ECLIPSOSCOPE: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Lunar eclipses occur when a Full Moon (opposite Sun) takes place close to Nodes of the Moon. Lunar eclipses aren’t as important as solar ones, for they simply prefigure the big events of the solar eclipse, but instead open the way to the strange season of dragons 🐉

Operating a dramatic switch from light to darkness, eclipses tend to shake us & highlight in very intense ways the themes they activate in our charts. To determine what themes this eclipse will activate for you, look to the houses that Virgo/Pisces occupy in your chart!

As this eclipse will take place in the third decan of Pisces, it is interesting to note that this is the last decan of the zodiac, where things end and take on their final form. A chapter closes, but the seeds of a new, fresh one are already planted. Before the final solar eclipse in Libra takes place, calling to our sense of conciliation and justice in all things, we must first put everything in order.

Old stories, people from the past are likely to resurface to teach us an ultimate lesson: nothing lasts. Hanging on old resentment is pointless, and our efforts are better employed in making piece within ourselves and with others. A sense of nostalgia is likely to arise, but don’t let it take hold too much — severe and leave behind what needs to be, to make space for the new and fresh. In the strange light of eclipsed luminaries, reserve your judgement and let this eclipse season pass before getting to a point of no return — be it in your relationships, material situation or life choices.

The interpretations below are better apply to your RISING sign, and interpreted in whole sign houses. Enjoy!


  • Aries Rising (in your 12H/6H):

    You feel a sense of isolation, or the need to retreat and leave old habits behind. Someone superior in hierarchy to you may irritate you - you could feel the need to leave a job, a routine to seek something new - but what? Take some time away.

  • Taurus Rising (in your 11H/5H)

    Who’s a friend and who’s a foe? In times when you creativity dries up, turning to your friends & community is best to find support. But you may find what you truly look for in the advice of an older, wiser figure around you. If you have kids to take care of, this is your sign to get some rest.

  • Gemini Rising (in your 10H/4H)

    Home may start to feel a little small, as does the container for your ambitions. You are encouraged to dream bigger & take your goals to the next level - this will require discipline & a good structure. Take it into account!

  • Cancer Rising (in your 9H/3H)

    You are about to embark on a new journey: intellectual, spiritual, literal - what do you wish to take with you? Dreams? Fears? The world is your oyster for the year to come, but some structure will be necessary as you open your mind to new horizons.

  • Leo Rising (in your 8H/2H)

    You are about to invest money and energy into something - helping someone out, financing your dream… Be discerning and don’t invest anything you don’t have. If you can be disciplined with your time and long-term vision, great rewards await you.

  • Virgo Rising (in your 7H/1H)

    Relationships & close friendships are at the forefront of your mind. Be discerning and ask yourself who deserves your time, love & energy, as you are about to embark on a journey that will allow you to connect better with those close to you.

  • Libra Rising (in your 6H/12H)

    Being more disciplined & integrating better routines in your life may be the solution to a floating feeling of being unsettled, lost or without roots. This eclipse, ask yourself who & what deserves your loyalty, and make a commitment to it.

  • Scorpio Rising (in your 5H/11H)

    The creative juices are finally flowing, along with a desire to seek joy. What, then, stops you? In your pursuit of pleasure and artistic excellence, be careful of who you surround yourself with - don’t let unserious people distract you.

  • Sag Rising (in your 4H/10H)

    The best answer to a lot of existential questions is often to get back in touch with our roots. You may feel an increased need for stability, and getting to know who you truly are through where you come from - this is your sign, take the chance!

  • Capricorn Rising (in your 3H/9H)

    This eclipse gives you a change to explore what truly enchants your life. Life is often made of simple pleasures: a stroll around the neighbourhood, a conversation with a friend. Have you been taking them seriously enough? Now’s your chance!

  • Aquarius Rising (in your 2H/8H)

    Financial discipline is calling you, and the opportunity for a good amount of money to come your way is more likely than you think! You feel the need to become more mature when it comes to money, as this is just the beginning of a 2 year journey!

  • Pisces Rising (in your 1H/7H)

    Who are you? I mean, who are you really? As & sense of self changes, matures and becomes more affirmed, don’t let doubts & anxiety bring you down. This eclipse starts a new journey of growing your self-confidence & begins an important transformation.

I hope you enjoyed this thread! If you want to learn more about what the lunar Nodes in transit & in your chart, as well as what this new cycle of eclipses will mean for you, you can get my Nodes & Eclipse guidebook right here to teach you all about it! 👇🏻

I also offer a Nodes & Eclipse consultation, where we explore the themes they draw in your life, the key events they signify & eclipse remediation. More info + bookings:


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