Clothing, Fashion & Astrology: an Intro to Planetary Remediation

A French expression I love is “l’habit ne fait pas le moine”, which literally translates to: "clothes don’t make a monk" (an equivalent in English would be “don’t judge a book by its cover”). 

Well… Astrologically speaking, that’s not entirely true!

Take it from an anthropologist: clothing is one of the single most important cultural symbol in all human societies. If the way we dress has different meanings across societies and time, it is of one the most universal and simple way to give specific meanings to events, people, and social roles.

Think about it: even if you don’t put much thought into the way you dress, chances are you instinctively know that you will change your clothes if you go to sleep, attend a wedding, go to the gym, meet with your best friend, or go to an interview… Clothes are powerful social markers that we are trained to recognise from an early age. These social markers can also help us interact with the non-human, and with the planets used in astrology.

Sometimes, the way we discuss astrology can seem pretty abstract, or too far removed from reality. Yet astrology is deeply human, it is our very own way of communicating with the stars. The stars influence us in a deeply practical, day-to-day kind of way, and taking part  in that conversation can start with something as simple as the way you dress.

In this article, I am going to give you practical advice on how to use clothing to 1) Improve your relationship with the planets and the things they represent in your chart 2) Give you a quick introduction to astro magic and planetary remediation, and explain why clothing is important in that context.

Let’s start with the basics: why does clothing matter in astrology? Well, there’s an expression that I like that sums it up pretty well: "dress the part". All seven traditional planets are associated with different colours, fabrics, looks and general "feeling". If you want to bring more of that planetary energy into your life, emulating this energy by dressing in a way that pleases/symbolises the planet can help you deal with the themes of that planet. Chances are, you’re probably already doing this in your own way: someone with prominent lunar placements may dress in a more relaxed way, whereas someone who is more Martian might prefer an athletic look.

Either way, clothing is a good first step to get started with planetary remediation. What is planetary remediation, you ask? To put it simply, the planets in our birth charts, which take responsibility for various aspects of our lives (our families, friendships, health, finances, etc.) all have different levels of strength. Planetary remediation is the art of assessing these strengths, and of helping the planets accomplishing their purpose. Say you have a “weak” Mars (what I mean by that is that Mars in your chart has little dignity, using the traditional rulership system): you might struggle with assertiveness, indecisiveness, or even with “people-pleasing”. The themes linked to Mars in your chart may also be a problem: if you have a Scorpio or Aries 4th house with a weak Mars, your home, family and roots may be a source of challenges and difficulties.

Planetary remediation can help you with these issues by helping and strengthening the planets that need it. You can also temper and “cool down” overactive planets if needed, but I will talk about that in another article. While there are a TON of ways to do planetary remediation, being mindful of the way you dress is a very simple way to get started and to familiarise yourself with the concept. I’m here to help you understand how you can use the way you dress to deepen your understanding of astrology, and use your chart as a map of the resources available to you in this life to get closer to your own path and obtain what you want out of it. 

You can use this advice in your every day life, as well as for planetary rituals if you do them. While I give some examples where remediation may be needed, keep in mind that a full examination of your birth chart is needed to establish what areas of your life would benefit the most from remediation. Advice specific to planetary placements that could need remediation is included in each description of the planets. I hope you enjoy!


• If you struggle with low mood, insecurity, feelings of “not fitting in”, masculine/father archetypes or even a lack of enthusiasm for life, Sun remediation may be appropriate for you. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Sun rituals on Sundays, during the Sun hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: orange or gold clothing, golden jewellery, clothing with glitter or sequins, a crown or clothing with crown symbols on it. Anything that attracts attention, such as unconventional accessories, or things that look regal are also welcome. The Sun is all about getting noticed, so don’t be afraid to go all out with this one!

• (For planetary rituals) you can wear: golden, orange or white robes, assorted with gold rings. Things associated with royalty (crowns, sceptres, long capes, etc.) are also welcome.

• Who can benefit most from Sun remediation: Libra and Aquarius Suns, people with the Sun in the 12th, 8th, 6th or 3rd house. People who work in politics, in high visibility industries (celebrities, actors, comedians, social media influencers, etc.) and people who work with gold.


• If you struggle with emotional rigidity, if you have difficulties relaxing or opening up, with food, feminine/mother archetypes or a general state of tension and anxiety, Moon remediation may be appropriate for you. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Moon rituals on Mondays, during the Moon hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: white or beige clothing, soft pastel or neutral colours, clothing or accessories with marble or glass effects. For accessories, silver colours and jewellery are a plus. You can also wear comfortable clothing, pyjamas or oversized sweaters, t-shirts or trousers/leggings work. The Moon is associated with relaxation and rest, with indulgence and childhood. You can wear things that remind you of that.

•(For planetary rituals) you can wear: white robes, especially silk or cotton ones, silver necklaces or bracelets. Clothing associated with motherhood and femininity, if you have them. Keep it simple!

• Who can benefit most from Moon remediation: Scorpio and Capricorn Moons, people with the Sun in the 12th, 8th, 6th or 9th house. Mothers, people who assist women and mothers (women’s shelters, obstetricians, gynaecologists), cooks, people who work with or are intolerant to milk and dairy, people who work with silver.


• If you struggle with a lack of precision, need more sharpness of mind, if you have trouble with effective communication or technical things (maths, technology, learning languages or new things in general), academia, or eloquence, Mercury remediation may be appropriate for you. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Mercury rituals on Wednesdays, during Mercury hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: green or reflective clothing (yes, neon colours and security jackets are Mercury remedies). Things that look sharp, tailored outfits, as well as things that look futuristic (Mercury rules over technology). For accessories: all types of glasses and gloves work. I find the “smart casual” type of dressing very Mercurial, so that works too! Mercury is associated with innovation and inventiveness, so you can keep that in mind when picking your Mercury outfit.

• (For planetary rituals) you can wear: dark green robes or tailored suits, jewellery with green or brown stones. 

• Who can benefit most from Mercury remediation: Pisces and Sagittarius Mercuries, people with Mercury in the 12th, 8th, 6th, 3rd or 9th house. Technicians, mathematicians, softwares developers, coders etc., translators, people who write for a living, students, journalists or public speakers, writers, astrologers, businessmen, traders, bankers and people who deal with money, accountants… (yep, that’s a lot of people!)


• If you struggle with your sense of self-worth or seeing your own beauty, if you feel overly focused on details of finding faults (in others or yourself), with aesthetics or a lack of appreciation for beauty, arts or music, or appreciating the more sensual side of life, if you’re conflictual, overly aggressive or judgemental, Venus remediation can be of great help. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Venus rituals on Fridays, during Venus hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: white, light green or pink clothing, as well as earthy tones or things that remind of nature. Venus rules over aesthetics and beauty, so things that are particularly elaborate are favoured. Cleanliness is of paramount importance, so clothes that have been freshly washed (and ironed) are a must. You can also wear all kinds of jewellery, try a nice hairstyle, put on some makeup and/or nail polish is also a plus. The Venusian outfit is the one where you go the extra mile and show your sense of taste: nothing can be too frivolous!

• (For planetary rituals) you can wear: clean white robes are preferred, you can also wear light green or pink ones. Strong perfume, oils and makeup work too.

• Who can benefit most from Venus remediation: Aries, Scorpio and Virgo Venuses, people with Venus in the 12th, 8th, 6th, 3rd or 9th house. People whose body and aesthetics are central to their activities (models, sex workers, beauticians, masseuses…), artists (painters, perfumers, designers), hygiene-related workers, cleaners, dancers, singers, music professionals, pastry chefs…


• If you struggle with a lack of assertiveness, if you are usually indecisive or a people-pleaser, if you have trouble with taking initiatives, with sports or physical shape in general, if you have low levels of energy, or overly compromise and put yourself after others, Mars remediation can help (especially if you were born during the day), Mars remediation can help. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Mars rituals on Tuesdays, during Mars hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: red clothing! Any type of athletic clothing, as well as practical outfits (things to get the job done). Mars is focused on action and not so much on aesthetics, so keep it functional. Military or camp-type patterns, knives as accessories can also work - and obviously things that make you look intimidating. Armours or armour-type clothing, if that’s your thing, are also an option.

• (For planetary rituals) you can wear: red robes, jewellery with red stones on them.

Who can benefit most from Mars remediation: Libra, Taurus and Cancer Mars, people with Mars in the 12th, 8th, 3rd or 9th house. People who work in the military or with veterans, firefighters, people who practice martial arts, athletes, people who work with fire, blood donors, people who work with blades and knives, people with erectile dysfunction.


• If you struggle with your sense of faith or spirituality, with teacher or mentor type-figures, if you lack general optimism or enthusiasm in your life, if you struggle with academia, your studies or feeling stuck in the same place, Jupiter remediation can help. For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Jupiter rituals on Thursdays, during Jupiter hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: yellow, dark blue or purple clothing. Expensive clothing works very well with Jupiter, don’t be scared to show off! Visible jewellery, a big watch is very Jovian. Alternatively, things related to academics, scholars and/or priests or religious officials are also ruled by Jupiter, so you can keep that in mind when getting a graduation gown. Fabrics such as velvet or suede are also ruled by Jupiter, so you can pick that.

• (For planetary rituals) you can wear: purple or dark blue robes, formal dress worn by priests.

• Who can benefit most from Jupiter remediation: Virgo, Gemini and Capricorn Jupiters. Scholars or academics, professors, people who travel long distances. Anthropologists, people who do spiritual and/or religious work. People who work with large sums of money, meteorologists.


• If you struggle with a lack of realism, with setting practical goals for yourself, long-term planning or time management, if you live too much in the present without thinking about the future, if you have troubles with keeping your promises or fulfilling your obligations, Saturn remediation is for you! (Especially if you were born at night). For best results, you can wear these outfits and/or do Saturn rituals on Saturdays, during Saturn hour (you can use apps like TimeNomad or Cosmic Insights to track planetary hours).

• (For every day life) you can wear: black, grey or brown clothes, darker colours in general. Minimalism is the key word with Saturn, so wearing humble clothes, things that are unnoticeable or unremarkable, or very somber and dark are favoured. For peak Saturn fashion, you can also walk around in your birthday suit (although I would not recommend doing that in public!). Saturn is very goth, anything that looks like bones also works as accessories. (Responsibly sourced) animal skin and leather, or leather-like textures also work. Vintage clothing, second-hand and old things you got from your grandparents are perfect!

• (For rituals) you can wear: black or dark robes, modest clothing. 

• Who can benefit most from Saturn remediation: Leo and Aries Saturns, people with Saturn in the 8th, 6th, 3rd or 9th house. People who are or work with the elderly or the poor, people in contact with death (people who work at morgues, in retirement home, hospitals, etc.), healthcare providers, watchmakers, people who work in construction, with stones, farmers and people who work the land.

Thank you for reading through this, I hope you found this article useful! As you may have noticed, everyone can benefit from planetary remediation. Clothing is a very simple way to start practicing it, and if you are interested in this type of astrology you will soon find that our connection to the planets is deeply rooted in the day-to-day, intimate lives of each and everyone of us. As you start understanding the ideas and core principle behind each planet, you will soon start to build a more personal relationship to it. Have fun picking your new planetary outfits!


The Astrology of Christian Dior


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