Become an Astrology Expert


Meet with the Ambassadors of Fate

We’re all born with potential. Become part of those who turn it into greatness. Attain your highest ambitions with a direct line to your destiny, receive expert advice tailored to your needs, and take your life to the next level with astrology.

Harness Your Fate & Take Control of Your Destiny

Dive into Your Treasures

Emissary is an exclusive membership with limited capacity — enjoy premium benefits, privileged encounters and expert astrological advice that helps you develop your highest potential.

Private Meetings, Once a Month.

Monthly meetings with your Emissary channel the best of astrology to allow you to thrive on your unique path.

After an initial meeting where we establish a personal profile and a tailored roadmap to realise your ambitions, you will meet with your Emissary once a month. Get a direct line to select the best timing for your projects, create a timeline for your ambitions, and discover what course is the best for you.

Expert Guidance, Tailored to You.

Receive unparalleled astrological guidance crafted with the utmost expertise and care.

Your birth chart holds the key to many secrets: when is the most strategic time to change careers? What is the trajectory of your life? Who are your allies and enemies, what gifts can you rely on?

As your guide and Éminence Grise, my role will be to provide strategic advice to help you elevate in all domains of your life, building a successful, long-term advisory relationship.

Unique Advantages & Special Perks.

Emissary is an exclusive service offered to the discerning few. As part of this ongoing guidance, you receive special advantages.

Emissary members enjoy a permanent 20% discount on all consultations, 10% off talismanic materia, access to the Elysium library, as well as a special birthday gift package.

Your membership will be tailored based on your unique needs & goals. Don’t just discover what the future holds: shape it to your greatest ambitions.


Putting my expertise in service of your goals.

With years of experience as an astrologer for hundreds of clients spanning the industries of consulting, finance, entertainment, diplomacy, NGOs, sports, academia & more, I have developed successful strategies to fit my clients’ unique profiles.

My goal is to help you reach the next levels of your life as I advise and guide you towards your highest potential!

Choose Emissary and unlock a world of possibilities. Access a direct line to your Emissary, and receive tailored astrological advice to take your career, finances, ambitions, love life and more to their full potential. Benefit from cross-disciplinary expert guidance to elevate your life and embrace your destiny in its greatest form.

Join Emissary

Every month
Every year

Emissary is an exclusive membership with limited capacity — enjoy premium benefits, privileged encounters and expert astrological advisory that helps you develop your highest potential.

✓ Initial Discovery Consultation
✓ Monthly consultations
✓ Access to the Elysium Catalogue
✓ 20% off consultations and 10% off talismanic materia
✓ Birthday gift package - exclusive materia and talismans.

What’s included:

  • Initial 1h30 Discovery consultation: establish your astrological profile, define your goals and discuss mid and long-term implementation (for personal and professional ambitions, finances, life trajectory, love life…)

  • Monthly consultation to analyse progress on your objectives, find auspicious dates for your projects and provide guidance.

  • Access to the Elysium Catalogue.

  • 20% off consultations and 10% off talismanic materia, premium early access to collections and free workshop attendance.

    Receive a birthday gift package with exclusive materia and talismans of your choice.*


  • Emissary members receive a complimentary package of up to four different talismanic products, for a maximum combined value of 200€. A month before their birthday, the member receives a custom questionnaire that will ask for birth info (optional, to determine chart-materia compatibility) and for materia preferences (subject to availability).

    The member then receives a gift bag (shipped two weeks prior) with talismanic presents selected at random! If materia cannot be sent at this date for logistical reasons, the member will be notified ahead of time.

    The birthday gift offer can be redeemed after three months of continuous membership — e.g., if you subscribe in May and your birthday is in June, your birthday gif will be sent out in July after payment of the July month is received.

    This offer is subject to availability — you will always be notified if change, occur, please bear in mind I am one person operating this!

  • At the beginning of each month, you will receive a personalised calendar to choose the time of our meeting.

    Meetings last one hour, and you will receive a recording of our session as well as any relevant documentation (chart, notes, custom plan, etc.).

  • Absolutely! You are always welcome to email me, and I will make sure to respond in a timely manner. If your question(s) expand beyond the scope of a simple reply, I will incorporate it in our monthly meeting.