Eclipse Care Guide, Part 1: Activated Themes and Events

Welcome to the first part the a post-eclipse care series, designed to help you reflect on the eclipse cycle & empower you to move forward with practical tools & knowledge.

Eclipses are extremely intense, fateful events. Their occurrence can shake you up and leave you feeling overwhelmed, sometimes extremely emotional. But the day of the eclipse isn’t the whole story, far from that! In fact, the placement of the Nodes of the Moon in your chart will determine the themes that will become most prominent in your life for the entirety of the eclipse cycle in a given sign.

The North Node is currently located in Aries, while the South Node is in Libra. When a Full or New Moon occurs close to these points, an eclipse will take place! This will be the case until Janary 11, 2025 when the Nodes will move into the Pisces/Virgo sign axis. So while the day around a solar or lunar eclipse will be particularly significant in your eclipse story, the whole time that the lunar Nodes are in a given sign will activate the corresponding house in your chart. You can use this to predict what kind of events or story will take place. These events are often extremely literal! Take a look at the wheel of significations for each house below to get a better understanding of what themes will be activated.

A wheel of the signification of each house in a birth chart.

The current cycle of eclipses will activate the themes of the house they are in. For example, between July 18, 2023 and January 11, 2025, someone with Aries rising will have the North Node in the first house of the self, body and appearance, and the South Node in Libra in the 7th house of others, relationships and marriage.

This means that for this given year, their life, personal growth and body will become a central, underlying theme and take precedence over others and their partnership — the individual is likely to focus on themselves and give less attention to the matters that concern their partner, spouse or close ones.

Reflect on the themes that have been activated in your chart recently (Aries and Libra): what have you learned? How do these themes manifest in your life, and what kind of events do they foreshadow?

You can also do this for the last eclipse cycle, which happened in Taurus-Scorpio: reflecting on the themes they represent in your chart, what kind of themes should you let go of? With the final lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023, hints at what themes are being brought to their completion, and what sort of closure is taking place have been given. What does this look like for you?

Another important element in determining what kind of effect an eclipse cycle will have on you is its angularity. An eclipse cycle’s importance will depend on the set of houses it occurs in.

For example, an eclipse cycle happening in angular houses (1st-7th or 4th-10th houses) will show a decisive and active time period, where the native will be faced with a lot of important events and decisions. Key events are susceptible to happen during those years, it is a time of initiation and action.

An eclipse cycle happening in succedent houses (2nd-8th or 5th-11th houses) will generally be focused on dealing with things that were already started before, and on continuing what was previously established. These years are good for taking stock and for furthering goals. Events in relation to what was established during angular years are likely to take place. It is a time for building and continuation.

An eclipse cycle happening in cadent houses (3rd-9th or 6th-12th houses) will be focused on preparation and problem-solving. These years may generally feel a bit more stagnant or challenging than others, but they are primarily intended to help set the stage for the action taking place during angular years. A lot of things may require your attention, and refining your ideas about what you’re doing and where you’re going next is a key part of this process. It is a time for problem-solving and preparation.

How can you predict the kind of events that will happen after an eclipse, and their significance in your life? My guidebook on eclipses and the Nodes of the Moon give you all the keys to interpreting important events with eclipses, a detailed interpretation of the Nodes in each house and sign (both natally and in transit) and a post-eclipse cleansing guide! Get it here:




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