Eclipse in Libra Horoscope

You can read the full version of this horoscope on Elysium.

Today at 2:48PM EST, a Solar Eclipse will take place at 10°03’ Libra.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Sun & Moon conjoin (New Moon) close to one of the Nodes of the Moon (which are always exactly 180° apart). When the Nodes move through a pair of signs (over approx. 18 months), eclipses happen in the houses of our chart which contain these signs. Eclipses are dramatic, unpredictable events - however, the stories they represent unfold through longer periods of time & are not always spectacular! A good way to understand the themes they will activate in your life is to look at the & houses the Nodes transit in your chart.

Shaking us to our core, this eclipse — conjunct Mercury and squaring Mars in Cancer is an intense one. Taking place in the second decan of Libra, which is associated with the influence of Saturn, the eclipse suggests a period where themes of commitment, responsibility, and the practical side of relationships come to the forefront. While Saturn is in the second of Pisces, there may be a need to confront serious matters in partnerships, establish clearer boundaries, or make decisions that require maturity and patience.

It’s a good time to evaluate long-term commitments, ensuring they are built on fairness, mutual respect, and shared goals. The square to Mars in Cancer can also indicate a clash of values when it comes to intimacy and the way others make you feel (un)safe. The pendant of the last eclipse on April 8 at 19° Aries, this moment invites us to think about our relationship to the self vs others: what is worth shedding, and what is keeping? Who affirms our sense of self, versus who instills discomfort & makes us feel inadequate?

As the eclipse cycle finishes to unfold on the Aries/Libra axis, consider these questions seriously as they will be key to what happens next. Look to the wheel of significations below & what houses Libra occupies in your chart to determine what themes this eclipse will activate.

  • Aries Rising (Eclipse in your 7H):

    This eclipse highlights relationships in your life and what you sacrifice for others - particularly in your family or with romantic partners. A shift is happening, don’t cling on past relationships & make room for new ones in your life!

  • Taurus Rising (Eclipse in your 6H):

    A change occurs in your routines and in hierarchical relationships - at work, with colleagues or your boss, something needs to give. Your habits have become a burden, it’s time to find some new ones to feel better in your day-to-day life.

  • Gemini Rising (Eclipse in your 5H):

    What sparks joy? This is a serious question to consider, as you’re likely to be experiencing a profound shift in your creativity and in relation to children. Be careful around finances, this eclipse invites you to not get carried away there!

  • Cancer Rising (Eclipse in your 4H):

    Some deep shifts are happening around your home & family - and the way you relate to them is fundamentally changing, as is your personality and health. Be careful not to strain yourself or sacrifice too much, you could get exhausted!

  • Leo Rising (Eclipse in your 3H):

    This eclipse should feel particularly intense and draining, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself! It also brings the opportunity to try/learn something new & discover how to make your daily life more magical - rise to the occasion!

  • Virgo Rising (Eclipse in your 2H):

    Some financial decisions have to be made, and your source(s) of income could radically change between 2024 and early 2025. Make sure you’re surrounded by the right people, and cut off leeches if necessary!

  • Libra Rising (Eclipse in your 1H):

    Your sense of self shifts in profound ways, and you are seriously considering a change of path - at a time when your job or ambitions feel like a big pressure, maybe it’s time to switch up and try something new - the world is your oyster!

  • Scorpio rising (eclipse in your 12H):

    A period of contemplation is coming, alongside spiritual decluttering. Make sure to watch your surroundings and differentiate between true friend & foe, as some people may not have the best intentions around you. Take it one step at a time!

  • Sagittarius rising (eclipse in your 11th house):

    It might be time to freshen up your social circle and build some new connections! Join a community, meet up with others… The opportunities are there! Also, make sure to review what you’re investing your time, money and energy in.

  • Capricorn rising (eclipse in your 10th house):

    This is a big career moment for you, and one when you’re considering pivoting into something new: give yourself time to explore different avenues. Be careful of potential romantic partners, and don’t let that hinder your chosen path.

  • Aquarius rising (eclipse in your 9th house):

    Travelling to different places, learning something new: this is the kind of thing you can expect under this eclipse. Be careful around your health and don’t let work/routines cage you into something you don’t like.

  • Pisces rising (eclipse in your 8th house):

    You’re pouring your energy, time and money into a single thing: what is it? Make sure to not let stress and other drain you, as you’ll need the energy going into next year! Kids can be a source of worry, so make sure to keep that in check too.

Remember to take it easy today as eclipses can be tiring & unpredictable!

To learn more about eclipses, the lunar nodes & how to stay in synch with the Moon & her effects in your own chart, I created a course and guidebook to help you navigate these themes!

They include eclipse cleansing rituals, the history & astronomy of the lunar Nodes, how to use them for interpretation and prediction and a detailed interpretation of each Nodal placement by sign & house. Get them now! 🤍👇


ECLIPSOSCOPE: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces