Eclipse Season, Mars Retrograde and Elon Musk buying Twitter

The irony of Twitter being bought by a billionaire, resulting in people leaving to find an alternative but struggling to find a good one during this eclipse season + Mars rx in Gemini isn’t lost on me!

The solar eclipse on Oct 25 happened in the first decan of Scorpio. In this decan, The Moon finds her maximum degree of fall (3°, v close to the eclipse). This is a decan of hunger and of unsatisfied desire. It seems like Musk purchased the app to gain the only thing that can’t be bought: the love & admiration of people. 

As a result, we’re left with a desire to find a better interface for interaction… And are left unsatisfied. Not only do we want an alternative, but we also long for a place not subject to the whims of an oligarchy, and one where things feel less… tense like they are on Twitter. The Mars Rx in Gemini happens as Musk was forced to go back & honour his initial promise to buy Twitter (Gemini, being a Mercury sign, is related to information & the digital world).

The eclipse activates these raw themes of desire & hunger, as the Nodes move through Taurus & Scorpio. The Nodes are never satisfied. The South Node represents decrease, suppression, while the North N represents increase, a hunger with no limit. In Scorpio the Moon is fallen & vulnerable, feeling the dire pains of unfulfilled needs & desire. In Taurus, the eclipse close to the North Node represents an appetite that knows no bounds: the chase for power, glory, recognition… An incessant one. As the eclipse cycle will slowly come to a conclusion (not just yet), we’ll see opinions shift around these topics.


Remediating… The Moon


Scorpio Season: Decay and The Art of Grieving