Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023

This is an auspicious lunation given the rest of the month, and one you want to keep an eye on!

On July 3, the Moon in Capricorn will oppose the Sun at 11° Cancer - although the Moon is traditionally in her detriment in Capricorn, an inhospitable, dry land for generative Luna, this annual encounter with the Sun in Cancer is sweetened by the presence of Jupiter in Taurus. Before opposing the Sun, the Moon will make a very favourable trine aspect to Jupiter, the Greater Benefic at 9° Taurus - this indicates that despite operating in a rugged terrain, you can rely on the help & resources of others (particularly philosophical, larger-than-life figures, as well as lawyers and other benefactors).

This is especially supported as the Moon is in her own triplicity in Capricorn (in her own “element” & preferred time of day) at the time the Full Moon goes exact. Triplicity indicates support from community, while the Full Moon, representing full illumination, represents a project coming to fruition.

This Full Moon is an excellent time to complete a community project, or complete plans you’ve made with others/required help for. You can rely on the support & benevolence of those around you to complete important tasks - you may feel focused & even stressed as you’re navigating an unfamiliar environment - but don’t fret! Help is never too far :)

What I also love about this lunation is the Lunar mansion the Moon is in. Lunar mansions are a 28-fold subdivision of the zodiac signs - mimicking the average cycle of the Moon, which takes about 28 days to move through the 12 signs. When breezing through our skies, the Moon is thought to reside in one of her 28 palaces, or “Mansions” - each with their specific properties & effects. The 28 Lunar Mansions have a rich lore, and have been widely used overtime (you may have heard the term “nakshatras” to designate them, as they are an integral part of Vedic astrology!). In medieval times, they were widely used in the Islamic world for a variety of purposes: for example, you would avoid travelling by land when the Moon was in a certain mansion, but that same mansion would be good to get married. These mansions also had an important role in agriculture and the cultivation of crops, following the same logic.

On July 3, the Moon will find herself in the 22nd mansion (which span 0°-12°51’ Capricorn), known as “Al Sa’d Al Dhabih”, “the Winged Messenger” or the “Fortunate Assassin”. This is a mansion I absolutely love, and have worked with in the past (see the ‘Cloud Armour’ 22nd mansion oil, now sold out, here)- it is thought to protect those who invoke its spirit from gossip & slanders as well as spiritual attacks. This powerful yet gentle spirit comes to bless this July Full Moon, and I couldn’t be happier!

Going into July, you can use this energy to seek allies & strength as you navigate the more challenging parts of the month. Thank you for reading through, have a wonderful month! 🤍


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