October 2021 Horoscopes

These horoscopes are primarily intended for your rising sign, especially the age indications.

If you don’t known what your rising sign is, you can use your Moon sign if you were born at night, or your Sun sign if you were born during the day.



 Compromises, compromises. This month is all about navigating tensions in your close relationships — you’re being asked to do your part to appease tensions, but you don’t feel like you’re getting much out of it. There is a passive-aggressive atmosphere until the end of the month, so make sure to tread carefully here. This is your reminder that you don’t have to sacrifice your peace to the benefit of others, although you may be pushed to do so, especially around October 6. Remember that people-pleasing rarely leads anywhere, except to more frustration on your part. This especially applies to people who are 18, 24, 30, 36 or 42 years old.

If you’ve experienced setbacks and delays in your career for a few months now, you can finally expect a fresh start around October 11 when Saturn goes direct — this will especially be amplified after October 18 when Jupiter does the same, giving you the opportunity to carry forward with your plans and ideas. Your friends and community could be helpful at this time, if you’ve been in need of sound advice or hesitant to start building a bigger platform when it comes to your career, now is your time! This is especially relevant for people with Aries rising who are 21, 22, 33, 34, 45 or 46 years old.

This is generally a good month for your personal finances, though be extra careful to check them as tensions with people close to you (romantic partners, best friends) may affect your shared material possessions — this is especially relevant for people aged 19, 31 and 43. 

As Mercury retrogrades back into Libra until October 17 and will be slow during the rest of the month, the tensions I mentioned earlier could pertain to siblings, or health issues that your loved ones are facing — for those of you who are caregivers or help out people who are close to you with their health and/or domestic issues, tensions could be tied to that. Remember this is only temporary, and the setbacks and challenges you might experience this month linked to that will not last forever. While you are being asked to remain patient and give a lot of your resources, you deserve to take care of yourself and give yourself a break, too. This is especially relevant for people aged 14, 17, 26, 29, 38 or 41.

As Venus transits your 9th house throughout the month, you may find yourself feeling adventurous — you could meet or befriend foreigners, use your money to go on a trip or learn a new language… If you’re a student, October 19 may be an especially good day for you. As you may feel the desire to escape tension in your immediate environment, this month could plant the seeds for a more ambitious, bolder getaway. Go for it! 


You feel stuck in a routine that doesn’t look like you. The month of October is an opportunity to shed the old and make room for the new, even if that may seem scary at first. I know you’ve been longing for stability because that means safety and comfort to you, but the trick is you won’t get it until you get in touch with your needs. What do you want? What old habits prevent you from obtaining it?

This month, as the tension between your obligations and desires grows, you are forced to confront your unhappiness. It is likely that you’ve developed a pattern of submitting to the desires of your partners or close friends, sometimes to your detriment, probably by fear of losing them if you don’t comply — but it doesn’t have to be that way. Are you scared of confrontation? The period between October 5 and October 7 will be particularly tense, but it will also be the time to stand up for yourself. You don’t have to come second, and people who make you feel like you’re disposable the minute you don’t bend to their demands are not worthy of your love. You are worthy of your love. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 24, 29 and 36.

This does not mean that you should make brash decisions: once you realise that you’re done with something, it’s tempting to act out on it right away. But take some time to evaluate what new habits you can sustainably implement in your life. You don’t want to make healthy decisions just to forget about them a few days later: choose what is realistic for you. This will be the journey you’ll embark on this month, so remember that change is a process. Caution is advised until October 23, especially for people aged 15, 25, 27 and 37.

As these profound changes make their way into your life, you are reminded that you are not alone in this journey. After October 20, you will find that social and material resources are available to you: although the changes are yours to make, there are helping hands along this new road you are building for yourself. It is easy to feel isolated when we venture into the unfamiliar, but there is more protection available than you think. Talk to your friends about what you’re going through, and let them hold you accountable for the right choices you’re finally making for yourself. This is especially relevant for people aged 19, 22, 31 and 33.

The efforts who’ve been putting into your ambitions and aspirations are paying off after October 13. Take some time to celebrate! See this as an encouragement to choose what makes you happy. We’re all rooting for you, too for yourself too!


I know, you’re going THROUGH it. Take a deep breath, because this too shall pass. Even though you’ve been feeling in the dumps about your friends, career and probably your general self-confidence after these blows it won’t last forever. I’m proud of you for making it so far, and even though it seems like everything is happening at the same time without much resources to tap in, this is an opportunity to reinvent yourself. October brings you the gift of reflection: when things don’t go our way, it is an opportunity to remind ourselves that our worth is not tied to the path we envisioned as the happiest. You will get there, and what belongs to you will be yours.

October is an intense period of reflection on what brings you joy. If you feel lost, tap back into that. The people around you should want that for you and actively support it: if they don’t, why are they still around? Remember to give what is due to your true friends. You cannot do this if you don’t give yourself the necessary means to thrive. After a period of tension, things should be clearer in your mind after October 19. This is especially relevant for people aged 16, 22, 28 or 34.

Your body really needs a break: don’t wait until you’re exhausted and at your breaking point to take some rest. If your mind is overactive and you find yourself racing through everything you do, it might seem counter-intuitive to stop before everything is done. But you need it, and taking some time to reconnect with your body may actually bring surprising clarity and insight. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 21, 29 or 33.

After a period of stagnation, your career could take a new turn around mid-October. Keep working on your projects, doing interviews and believing in your ideas as new opportunities come your way. It’s okay to feel like things are not really moving for you, or to doubt yourself and your aspirations. But success is much closer than you think! Keep up the good work, it’ll pay off soon. This is especially relevant for people aged 20, 21, 32 or 33.

There are also new openings for relationships and contracts for you this month: now is the time to be bold and adventurous, now is the time to speak your mind and pursue what you’re looking for. Possibilities are here, and getting what you want requires bravery at times. I know you’re capable, so go for it! This is especially relevant for people aged 18, 23, 30 and 35.


I’m sorry you’ve been feeling so lonely and isolated lately. October will make you feel the tension between your need for security, love and comfort, and your desire to keep your secrets. What will you do? October 19 will be a critical point for you to face this dilemma, as this has been brewing inside you for a long time now. You’ve been pleasing everyone and their mother for a long time now, but what about yourself? Can you keep these emotions buried any longer, until they explode, moving people away from you? You know you deserve better.

For those of you who like gambling or games involving money in general, I’d suggest to remain careful and hold off of it during the entire month, as this could not play favourably for your finances.*— this is especially relevant for people aged 25, 28, 37 or 49.

Your friendships get a fresh start after October 7: if you’ve been trying to implement healthier things in your life, change your habits for good ones, or even simply take better care of yourself, your community has your back! Things will take a decisive turn in that direction after October 18. For those of you who study at university, this will also be a good time to do organise yourselves and implement a routine (especially those of you who are 17, 20 or 29).

Your romantic life could take a new turn after October 11: if you’ve been experiencing a period of slowness, doubting or discontent, you should be able to see things more clearly and take action after that period. You might want to act now that you’ve made up your mind after October 18, but beware of spontaneous decisions in your love life that you could come to regret later. Clarity of mind is definitely in the air, but don’t forget it is better to wait before you act on it as there are some things you may not be aware of yet. This is especially relevant for people aged 18, 19, 30 or 31.

*This is not financial advice, please consult a professional if need be.


Feeling the depths of your emotions may not be the easiest thing for you, communicating them is something else entirely. Will you remain silent this month? I don’t think so. Something important is boiling up, making its way from under your skin into the outer world and it doesn’t have to be pretty.

Your romantic life has felt a lot like a burden for a few months now, but things are about to take a different direction. Expect to speak your mind around October 6 (especially those of you who are 25 or 37), but don’t think it will all go smoothly — you may realise you had just touched on the actual issue, particularly in close relationships, that will have to be discussed again after October 19. There could be an opportunity for financial support from your friends and community until that date, make sure you’re clear on where you stand, money wise! This is relevant for people aged 22, 25, 34 or 37.

For those of you who have been feeling lost or in a state of discomfort when it comes to your aspirations and what you want to be putting out into the world, things should start to clear up after October 7, particularly for those of you who are artists or creators. This particularly applies to people aged 16, 21, 28 and 33.

The end of the month will bring focus on your home life — what truly makes you feel at home? Are you happy were you live currently? These are deeper questions than we might often think, and you may find yourself dreaming of another place. A place of your own, or maybe to share? Your close relationships and love life haven’t been a piece of cake lately, but a change of direction towards the end of the month could shift your perspective — keep an open mind. I know a change in routine isn’t your favourite thing, especially if you have to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. But this is welcome change for once, change you’ve been hoping for. Take all the hope and dreaming you can and keep it close to your heart before we go into January. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 29 or 41.


Some serious reconsiderations are made this month — there are conflicts between what you want out of life and how you can get there. Backtracking from certain choices after realising they’re not realistic for now is ok, and it doesn’t mean it’s over. For now, you can’t focus on the big picture because the material aspect of things is clearly not working, and it’s slowing you down. That’s fine, you’re allowed to take time to fix things before moving ahead!

Your family or home could be of precious help at this time. When was the last time you curled up in your cosy cocoon ? Because this might be the time. As conflict over money, material resources and sharing what is already scarce arise, you are encouraged to take a step back and bury yourself in an environment you feel comfortable in. You don’t have to tell everyone everything that you’re up to, and you can find this relaxation and pleasure you’ve been missing. You can even throw a party! The period after October 20 is favourable for that. This is especially relevant for people aged 20, 22, 32 and 34.

Tensions with your friends and community could arise around October 19, so it’s important that you make a difference between what is truly intended for you and what is projected. Have you done things right? Giving your people the time, respect and help they need is important, and giving yourself that is too — this is a delicate balance that is difficult to maintain sometimes, and you will be reminded of that this month. If mean things are said, don’t take it personally. When people feel like resources are scarce (be it attention, money, care, love etc.), there is a risk of conflict. You can navigate through that, and I trust you to remember that it won’t last forever. This is especially relevant for people aged 19, 23, 26, 31 and 35.

Your relationships are taking a new impulse. It’s not exactly a full-on renewal, but you’re finally seeing things from a different perspective. You are planting the seeds for a deeper change that’s coming early next year, for now it’s time to give yourself the possibility to experience the kind of love and companionship you truly want. You’ve been pondering this for a while, now is the time to do it. Are you satisfied with the boundaries you have? The time after October 24 is a good time to take action. This is especially relevant for people aged 18, 27, 30 and 39.


This month is going to be a challenge, and I won’t sugar coat things by telling you it will be easy. It will not. But you have all my encouragements — you’re doing a lot at this time, and in this critical moment you can measure the full extent of your abilities. You are resilient, a lot more than what people like to think of you sometimes. As deeply buried secrets are unearthed, you don’t have time to process what is happening before being called into action. It takes courage to own up to your own actions, regardless of how people will judge you. But being forced into making decisions isn’t the same as freely making them, and you know that. October 6 and October 19 are critical points for you, and at this point it’s enough to simply be aware of it.

Compromising your public image or radically altering how you are perceived by others are both important themes this month — this is intended to make you accept that these are never things you are truly in control of. And that’s fine. When people don’t love you for the image you display, they start loving you for who you are. This month is a big lesson in that domain. And that’s fine! This is especially relevant for people aged 19, 21, 24 and 36.

This month, you’re shifting your perspective towards bolder horizons. As your reality becomes more frustrating, your imagination pushes you to look at the bigger picture: maybe you can start by changing your surroundings? The most enduring changes are the ones that hide in the details, that start in the confines of the familiar. Maybe you can start there? This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 26, 29 and 38.

A lot of tension at home, you may be feeling constrained and suffocated. If you’re planning a big trip or some kind of big change to all of that, I would advise waiting after October 20 to make your big move as some details may escape your attention and your plan could not work out as well as you think. Some new insight on your situation could come to your attention after October 11, so it’s worth waiting a bit. This is especially relevant for people aged 16, 28 or 40.

Keep in mind this is probably the most tense period of the year for you, but things should ease up a bit as you make your way into November. I promise you’ll be fine, and I’m proud of you for making it so far.


In October, make sure you take some steps back as secrets are being revealed and you’re coming to terms with them. You may feel as if your foundations are shaky — you can’t solve this problem unless you’re honest with yourself about the source of your discomfort. Do you feel safe opening up about this to your family and community? I know you’ve been questioning their loyalty, it’s okay to speak up as deeply buried feelings and conversations make their way up to the surface.

This month, you get a chance to rebuild connection on your own terms. After October 11, the efforts you’ve been putting into preserving yourself and building better foundations for your dreams are paying off. This is especially relevant for people aged 26, 27, 38 or 39.

The first week of October is a good opportunity to focus on what makes you feel and look great, but also on the values you uphold — the word “integrity” comes to mind. How can you treat yourself and others in a way that makes you feel good? By matching intentions with actions. This means you don’t need to defend or justify your right to feel safe & at peace when people attack it. This will be an important theme this month until October 20, particularly for those of you aged 17, 19, 22, 24 and 29. Not every battle is worth fighting, and not engaging in conflict or debates about the things that are important to you do not mean the other person is right. Choose peace. Choose you.

On the material side of things, it’s looking up for you after October 10. A new way to look at it, maybe? Trust yourself, but beware of unexpected expenses that could occur. Relevant for people aged 18, 25, 30, and 37.

In love, you’re starting to break out of your shell after October 18. Even though you remain cautious as past tensions or disappointments made you feel cautious, you’re gradually starting to gain more confidence and hope. You’re not quite there yet, but I promise you can start believing in yourself again — taking risks will not be the death of you. Get bold, get creative and I promise you that you’ll start warming up to the idea you’re deserving of love and fun just like anyone else! This will also be a good time for those who have been putting off a creative/artistic project because you felt unprepared or needed more time to get it just right: get on it! Now’s your time to work hard & shine. 


These past months have been a challenge for you — relief is not quite there yet, but it’s in sight. Chances are, you haven’t felt very supported lately, and you were right. Your support system hasn’t been on par with your expectations, and you’re coming into a period of reflection when it comes to that. It’s okay to walk away from people that have consistently let you down or are not willing to grow with you. It doesn’t make you a bad person, especially when the environment around you is hostile. Throughout the month of October, you are encouraged to ask yourself: what kind of community do you thrive in? What do you need to feel actually supported? Love and kindness will always know how to find you, and you deserve it. This may be especially relevant for people aged 18, 22, 23, 30, 34, 35.

You may feel a push to make changes to your appearance, routine and the way you take care & feel about your body. The period after October 7 is good to reinvent yourself, gain confidence in the way you look, or try a new physical activity. You might have experienced discomfort or uneasiness with your body this past month, but October will help you shake that up. You are the one in charge, and you deserve to feel good, serene and beautiful no matter what your mind tells you. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 24, 29 or 36.

You can expect connections and long-overdue conversations with lovers and friends around October 24. Things will feel less tense than the beginning of the month, and you will probably get a chance to hear better news, sweet things, and who knows? Maybe get an apology too. Make sure you don’t just listen to what you’d like to hear.

Although we’re not in January yet, you will overall feel like things will generally start improving for you when Jupiter goes direct on October 18 — you’ve had a long time to go over what you wish for yourself, your hopes and aspirations since mid-July. You will progressively start implementing that more actively starting from that date. For some of you, this can specifically have to do with your home (projects of relocation?), exploring your relationship with your parents, family and the place you are from (especially for those of you aged 15, 27 or 39).


Performance, so much performance in your life at this time! All you seem to want is to focus on the day-to-day side of things, but the people in your life don’t seem to have a taste for it. Expect family affairs, secrets and tensions involving your community to be displayed for everyone to see. You don’t have to be involved, but you will definitely feel the ripples in your personal life. As tensions grow for you between October 11-13, remember that every storm comes to pass. You could also experience a change in your aspirations and life directions, especially if they involve your family or support system: as things remain highly unpredictable this month, you should remain flexible and open to change. This is especially relevant for people aged 21, 22, 27, 33, 35 and 39.

The word retreat comes to mind — you could really use a break at the moment. It can be in the form of a retreat, logging off of social media for some time, or simply doing an activity you enjoy without distractions. The answers you seek can be found in the places were you are cut off from the world, just for a little bit. Go for a walk around your neighbourhood, and take some time to listen to the voice that’s usually covered by the noise of other people’s drama: what does it tell you? You’re allowed to pause. You don’t have to be in plain sight all the time. This is especially relevant for people aged 23, 26, 35 and 38.

A period of prosperity is coming after October 23 — you may have had a lot of spendings to do in the early part of the month, and even if you anticipated it, it’s never an easy time! But this is temporary. If you’re having problems at work or with your health, things should also get better for you after the third week of October. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 20, 24, 25.

Things could get tense in your relationships around October 6 & October 20. You don’t have to compromise your needs, but clarifications are necessary. Make sure you actually listen and are not simply trying to make your points heard. Some situations could get very frustrating, and you’re wondering if your needs are being met. Measure your words. This is especially relevant if you’re 18 or 30.


Things are moving fast this month for you! October 11 is a big turning point after months of things moving slow. This change of pace will gain even more potency after October 18. Enjoy these moments as they are a sign of prosperity: you have good resources to draw from, celebrate them! Your friends and community are also a source of joy and support at this time, remember to be there for them and to share your success too. This is especially relevant for people aged 22, 24, 25, 34, 36 and 37.

Things could get a little more complicated for people who are students or work in an academic environment, with sibling, and when it comes to your ambitions and dreams. Do not rush into important decisions or feel frustrated if you can’t make plans for the long term: your time will come. This is especially relevant for people aged 20, 21 and 26.

Your relationships could take a more “public” turn around October 23. This could mean something becoming official, or simply you becoming aware of a  potential partner you had not met or seen that way before. Until then, partnerships could be a source of frustration or disappointment. Don’t lose hope, it’s closer than you think. This is especially relevant for people aged 18, 21, 30 or 33.

For creative projects, or things that require a significant investment of your resources (finances, time, etc.), it is best to wait before you start anything, as your endeavours in those domains could be delayed. Ideally, you should wait until the very end of the month (October 30), but if that’s impossible, wait at least after October 18. This is especially relevant for people aged 17, 19, 29 and 31.

November is likely to get more tense for you, so make sure you fully enjoy your blessings and the good things that come to you this month. I’m proud of you for being so patient, you deserve all the great things in your life!


Hold on, you’re almost there! I know September has been far from a smooth ride for you, but the direct station of your ruling planet Jupiter on October 18 should feel like things are finally taking a different turn, even though we’re not quite there yet. Starting from the 7th, your career will benefit from an extra boost as Venus enters the sign of Sagittarius: this is a good time to start dreaming big, coming up with ambitious plans and finally allowing yourself to break through your fears: change is in the air, don’t be afraid to embrace it.

You may want to be careful with your finances this month: are you being honest with yourself about what resources are actually available to you? Money issues may arise in relation to your studies (if you’re in higher education), or a trip — this is especially relevant for people aged 20, 25, 32 or 37. In any case, stay vigilant until the very end of the month, as you may need to make changes to your budget. You may realise that you haven’t been spending your money or made financial decisions that were in your best interest; it may also be that a lot of your money will be leaving your pockets, without really being able to see where this is going.

As Mercury retrogrades into Libra, these financial issues may be tied to your home life, parents and close partnerships: be especially careful to read any type of contract presented to you particularly well, as they may contain details you may miss that could impact your finances. This is especially relevant for Pisces risings aged 18, 27, 30 or 39. Tensions may be coming up as to how you spend your money or share resources with people close to you. A change of atmosphere will be felt after October 30th.

For those of you who have been longing for a community, or a sense of appreciation from a wider group, audience or friends but have been struggling to find it for a couple months now, your desires will come to fruition and take a new turn around October 11 — especially for those of you aged 22, 23, 34 and 35. 


Predicting your month ahead with profections


The Astrology of Christian Dior