Jupiter in Gemini Horoscope

Jupiter will be in Gemini between May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025. What does this mean?

In Gemini, Jupiter is traditionally considered to be in his detriment. This isn’t a negative thing in and of itself, but simply means that Jupiter has to compose with unusual, unexpected resources contrary to his nature. Jupiter is the planet of religion, philosophy and the law. In short, Jupiter stands for what is morally right, fair and just. Jupiter does things “by the book”, & his power stems from his moral righteousness. Jupiter always had a seat at the table, surrounded by friends & allies.

In Gemini - the sign of trickster god Mercury - Jupiter ventures off the beaten track & into a world of wit, street-smart and cleverness. Jupiter in Gemini is the tax regulator that suddenly finds himself having to work undeclared, a sort of Walter White-esque situation. In the cunning meanders of Gemini, Jupiter is trying to establish order and moral values where finding the little tricks that keep you afloat & outsmarting everyone by writing the fine print prevails!

In transit, this can manifest for you as a test of your faith & values.

During this period of time, I recommend not losing sight of your goals, values & what you believe in. If you’re building your dream project, trying to figure out what you believe in or are simply trying to survive in rough conditions, this is going to be essential! Remember what you stand for. Your patience & faith in yourself will be tested - but this will also be an opportunity to think creatively & outside the box. Jupiter in Gemini encourages you to believe in your unique instincts, visit things in details & go back & forth. Enjoy!

  • ♈️ Aries Rising (Jupiter in your 3rd house)

    Your relationship to education & learning is susceptible at this time. A change of environment is also possible - finding out the ins & outs of your neighbourhood, building secret community, finding unconventional ppl/groups in your area.

  • ♉️ Taurus Rising (Jupiter in the 2nd)

    Financial boons are likely to come, but be careful & read the fine print - especially if you’re dealing with business endeavours, as some people can be sneaky. Making money through writing or by diving in an unconventional niche is possible.

  • ♊️ Gemini Rising (Jupiter in the 1st)

    Your self-understanding is shifting and taking on new shapes, as are your relationships. Some people close to you can be a bit sneaky, but this transit also brings curiosity & helps you explore new facets of your identity.

  • ♋️ Cancer Rising (Jupiter in the 12H)

    You’re turning many stones in the shadows at this time. Some time is spent in exile (literally or figuratively) as you explore the mysteries needed to get to the next level of your path. Doing concealed things is a big theme this year.

  • ♌️ Leo Rising (Jupiter in the 11H)

    Jupiter brings its load of interesting connections, and you’re seated at the table of all kinds of tricksters: the witty, the writers, the jokers, people doing things outside the law… Take this as an initiatory (and fun!) experience.

  • ♍️ Virgo Rising (Jupiter in the 10H)

    Your reputation & responsibilities take a new turn, albeit an unexpected one. Can you embrace the change? You can’t do everything by the book & this transit is teaching you what values to keep as a compass… and what should be left behind.

  • ♎️ Libra Rising (Jupiter in the 9H)

    Plans regarding your education, belief system & travel are changing. Jupiter always brings blessings, but this time things are so unexpected that you might struggle to embrace the change… Let yourself be transformed & embrace it.

  • ♏️ Scorpio Rising (Jupiter in the 8H)

    What you’re pouring resources & energy into is examined & out into question at this time. You need to invest creatively, and Jupiter shows you that should be more flexible when it comes to your long-term plans. As you grieve, an unexpected door opens.

  • ♐️ Sagittarius Rising (Jupiter in the 7H)

    If relationships are a mirror of the self, this year brings a fresh look into your soul via your capacity to connect. Things may feel a bit tricky as you start noticing your interests diverge from others - follow your own (unbeaten) path.

  • ♑️ Capricorn Rising (Jupiter in the 6H)

    Jupiter brings blessings in your daily life & makes things less monotonous. You’re called to take some risks, make some pretty drastic changes to your routines & habits. Will you listen? Some treasures await you if you’re patient.

  • ♒️ Aquarius Rising (Jupiter in the 5H)

    “All’s fair in war and love” is pretty much the motto of this transit for you. What principles are important when it comes to flirting, dating & pleasure? Why not let yourself get tempted by those you’d normally overlook? Pay attention.

  • ♓️ Pisces Rising (Jupiter in the 4H)

    You’re looking at your home & family in a way. Some ancestral work is definitely in the cards for you during this transit, & you’re led to reconsider what really connects you to your roots. A fresh look at it teaches you a lot about your values.

Thank you for reading this horoscope 🤍 if you’re curious to know more and want to know what this year has in store for you *specifically*, you should book a reading with me! 👇🏻


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