Your life in cycles: The Saturn return and major astrological turning points

In a recent interview for Rolling Stone magazine, Adele mentioned her Saturn return as a crucial moment in her life. The Saturn return is the point in time when the planet returns at the exact position it was at birth, and happens anywhere between ages 27-30 for the first time in anyone’s life. It is often considered a major turning point when Saturn brings lessons of maturity, responsibility and humility.

Although these lessons come about differently for everyone depending on their own chart, the fact that the Saturn return happens roughly around the same time frame for everyone has contributed to make it a more familiar concept for a number of people — and it always feels good to know that you’re not alone when challenges and times of growth come your way, especially when isolating Saturn is involved!

But did you know that there are other major returns involving other planets happening at fixed ages?

Let me walk you through other fascinating peaks in the cycles of your life. Although these turning points won’t always represent something major or life-changing for everyone (as other configurations need to be activated & depend on each person’s unique natal configuration), they certainly represent transition periods towards a different kind of energy experienced up until that point. Let’s dive in!

Jupiter Return

Cycle length: 12 years

Ages: 12 - 24 - 36 - 48 - 60 - 72

Jupiter returns to the exact spot it was in at the moment of your birth every 12 years on average. Key words we associate with Jupiter are expansion, joy, wisdom, and spirituality. However, the experiences brought by Jupiter are obviously more nuanced than these simple terms.

We experience our first Jupiter return at age 12, a time that often coincides with the beginning of the secondary education cycles in many cultures. At this age, our minds and awareness of the world that surrounds us expands, our bodies start maturing into a different part of our youth. This is a very active, exploding energy, and feeling like you know everything and could do a lot more than what you’re allowed is definitely a signature part of adolescence!

That’s the Jupiter effect: a time of growth, dynamism, optimism and looking into what the future holds for us. Although it is not necessarily a happy period for everyone, far from that, it marks the beginning of our horizons and possibilities evolving in a way we had not previously envisioned. By age 24, this is not our first time at the rodeo and we’ve had time to digest and grow into the adult we’re meant to become. We experience a sense of renewal and heightened possibilities — interestingly, Jupiter return years always coincide with 1st house protection years, so there is extra emphasis on self-renewal, important changes in the way we lead our lives.

As a result of this boost in confidence, this can lead some of us to think we have it all figured out & become a bit… annoying with by preaching The Truth to others. Fortunately, our first Saturn return comes soon after to inject that (sometimes much needed!) extra dose of humility. In any case, you can see your Jupiter return as an amazing opportunity to lean into the joyful, spiritual side of life.

Uranus Square

Ages: between 20-22, and 63-65

The planet Uranus has a cycle of approximately 84 years, meaning it spends approximately 7 years in the same sign. Although not every astrologer uses outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) or sees them as holding the same meaning as the 7 visible planets in our solar system (me included), I find critical points in their transits particularly interesting when they aspect our own natal charts.

The Uranus square happens when the planet forms an exact 90° angle to its own position in our natal chart, which happens twice in an average human life. The Uranus cycle itself is fascinating for its close correlation to the human life span. In his revolutionary book Cosmos and Psyche, Richard Tarnas describes Uranus contacts with personal planets and sensitive points in these terms: “psychological turning points and breakthroughs, radical changes in philosophical perspective, periods of intensified innovation and discovery, acts of rebellion against various personal or societal constraints…” (Tarnas 2006; 318).

The Uranus square represents a moment of dynamic tension lasting 3 years and culminating when the planet reaches the exact degree of the square. Sudden and unpredictable changes come to shake our previous understanding of the areas of life it symbolises (look at the houses Uranus is and transits in to get a sense of what will be affected), and often lead to major shifts. Uranus squares are intense periods that force us into action. In order to adjust to the ever-changing flow of our lives, we have to surrender to its most shocking, life-altering sides.

Uranus squares happen at times of increased freedom in our lives. Ages 20-22 is when we are stepping into adulthood and understanding the responsibilities that come with newfound freedom. Ages 63-65 mark a different kind of liberation, the one that comes with experience and a knowledge of the world that allow us to distance ourselves from past illusions.

While squares can bring their load of stress and tension as we are forced out of previous familiarity, the dynamism and vigour they bring is unparalleled. While it can be stressful at times, the Uranus square kicks off new cycles where our creativity and innovation are put into action.

Nodal return

Ages: approximately 18 1/2, 37, 56, 74 1/2

Nodal returns are the moment in time when the nodes of the Moon return to the sign and degree they were in at the moment of your birth. The lunar Nodes represent many things, and are traditionally associated with growth (North Node) and regression (South Node). They remain in the same signs for approximately 1 year 1/2, and kick off new cycles of eclipses when they shift signs and New/Full Moons happen close to them.

While eclipse cycles always emphasise the topics of the opposite houses they happen in (3H/9H: education, travel & spirituality), the Nodal return marks the point where the houses the natal Nodes are in become an area of paramount importance. The natal promise is highlighted, and the events happening in our lives at this time remind us of the natural flow of increase/decrease characteristic of these cycles. Someone’s nodal return with the South Node in the 4th and North Node in the 10th house could indicate moving abroad or away from their first home to pursue their ambitions.

The Nodal return also often leads to very literal and dramatic events: it’s unlikely that this goes unnoticed in your life. They can also be especially significant if you’re in a Cancer or Leo profection year (ruled by the Moon and the Sun), as the luminary cycles will be particularly emphasised in your life at that time.

Nodal Square

Ages: approximately 4 1/2, 14, 23, 

32 1/2, 42, 51, 60 1/2 70, 79

As for any square, the nodal square represents a time of crisis, challenge and dynamic tension. When a planet is exactly square the nodes, it is said to be “at the bendings”, representing a time of dramatic emphasis on the themes of that planet.

When the nodal square happens, our lunar Nodes are at the bendings from their own position in our natal charts. During these tense periods, we are more likely to reconsider areas of our lives we put a lot of energy into. Am I headed in the right direction? Are my efforts meaningful? These are typical questions that arise during the nodal square period. 

We are also likely to experience events in our lives that frustrate the normal course of action we are used to. Responsibilities, sudden events or new patterns come to disturb the normal flow of things and highlight old mechanisms, forcing us to reflect on them. You may be someone who travels a lot (3H/9H nodal axis) and always on the move, but a nodal square could bring in new habits, responsibilities (for example a pet!), or even health concerns that make you look at your natal nodal axis from a new perspective, forcing you to slow down and tend to what you need to.

The nodal square period is a challenging season of your life that can lead to important breakthroughs. As you put things into perspective, you get the opportunity to recalibrate and use your energy accordingly.

This is the first part of a series of articles where I explain how different astrological cycles play out in our lives. There are many other influences that affect the way these cycles unfold, we’ll talk about them in another post so stay tuned!


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