Saturn in Pisces For Each House/Rising Sign

Hi friends, and welcome to this transit of Saturn in Pisces. After being in his own domiciles of Capricorn and Aquarius since 2017, the Boundary Keeper is finally at the end of his long journey. In the sign of the benefics, Saturn is now about to embark on a 3 1/2 years-long journey through Pisces. Discover what this means for you!

Disclaimer: a planet’s transit through a sign/house is only a small part of its story in your chart & life. Whether Saturn is prominent in your chart (if you have planets ruled by Saturn, Saturn is in an angular house or making tight aspects to your chart ruler…) or via timing (rules your Solar return ascendant, is activated by profection…). Ultimately, this is not intended to be fatalistic, but more as a guide through the themes you may encounter. Good luck! 🪐

  1. Aries Rising: Saturn in your 12H.

  • Working to consolidate boundaries you feel are murky or unclear. Taking some time alone/in isolation. Feeling alienated from the world. Enemies coming out, more discernment in what people want from you. Moving away (abroad or far from where you live) for over 3-6 months.

    2. Taurus Rising: Saturn in your 11H.

  • A change in your friends/support group/allies. Older people supporting you. Working hard towards your goal. Realising the amount of work that achieving your dreams & recognition will take.

    3. Gemini Rising: Saturn in your 10H.

  • Thinking about life aspirations & long term goals in a practical way ("what will it take you achieve x?"). Motherhood, an (older) mother figure being present. Gaining a reputation as a "Saturnine" figure. Working towards more long-term goals (esp career-wise).

    4. Cancer Rising: Saturn in your 9H.

  • Gaining wisdom, developing an interest in spirituality. Doing research & learning. Having an older mentor. Solo travelling or moving to unfamiliar destinations.

    5. Leo Rising: Saturn in your 8H.

  • Working through and processing grief. Financial issues coming to the forefront, debt being addressed. A change in your partner’s financial situation. Being asked for financial help, borrowing money. Inheritance from an older person.

    6. Virgo Rising: Saturn in your 7H.

  • A change in a long-term relationship. Consolidation or distanciation from a close relationship. Breaking an agreement or contract. Relationships becoming more serious or austere.

    7. Libra Rising: Saturn in your 6H.

  • Adopting an older pet or a cat. More frequent health check-ups, particularly related to the joints/knees/legs. Routines becoming more repetitive or rigorous. Caring for the elderly.

    8. Scorpio Rising: Saturn in your 5H.

  • Rethinking creativity. Developing a taste for older forms of art. Becoming a mentor to someone. Reflection around children & relationship to them. Becoming more conservative around pleasure & fun. Receiving gifts from older people.

    9. Sagittarius Rising: Saturn in your 4H.

  • Building a house or doing repair works. A father or father-figure being influential. Learning about family secrets of older family members. Hiding things, carrying old stories to their natural end.

    10. Capricorn Rising: Saturn in your 3H.

  • Issues with neighbours, flatmates and or siblings. Getting to know old part of your neighbourhood. Daily trips becoming slower, moving around less often. Meeting older people on short-distance trips. Issues with means of transportation.

    11. Aquarius Rising: Saturn in your 2H.

  • Becoming more mindful of your spending habits. Budgeting. Changes around what makes you feel materially secure, becoming more conservative with your money.

    12. Pisces Rising: Saturn in your 1H.

  • Changes in your appearance, going for a more "mature" look. Feeling more melancholy or sadness at times, becoming more "responsible". Feeling lonely, but also more independent. Building autonomy.

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Welcome to the ‘Luxuriante’ Venus in Taurus Collection


Remediating… Saturn