The Fixed Star Series #2: Aldebaran

Today we’re talking about Aldebaran, one of the brightest stars in our skies and one of the four royal stars of Persia: the “Watcher of the East”.

Aldebaran is the brightest star of the Taurus constellation. Also known as Alpha Tauri or Oculus Tauri, "the Bull’s Eye", it currently sits at 10°06’ Gemini due to precession. A beautiful red giant, Aldebaran has been known & celebrated for its powers for millennia!

Unlike planets in our solar system, fixed stars didn’t seem to move to the ancient watcher’s eye as they rose & set around the same times of the year. Because of this, they were very important to humans from the very beginning of our existence for all sorts of things: agriculture (when to sow the crops), navigation (orienting yourself with no land in sight!) and many others! Fixed stars have rich lores, myths & traditions attached to them, and Aldebaran is no exception!

There is a multitude of stories associated with Aldebaran. Its current name comes from the Arabic Al Dabaran, "The Follower", because it comes right after the Pleiades star cluster. Aldebaran was considered one of the 15 Behenian stars by Renaissance mage Cornelius Agrippa: these stars were thought to be especially powerful & appropriate for their magical use. As one of the brightest stars in our sky, you can hardly miss it!

One of the four royal stars of Persia, Aldebaran has a powerful, luxurious nature. It was thought to bestow honour, riches and glory. I like to think of Aldebaran as a more "Martial" version of Taurus. Historically, Al Dabaran was also the name of the 4th lunar mansion. In Vedic astrology, this mansion or “nakshatra” is known as Rohini, the favourite mansion/wife that the Moon-King would visit. This is associated with Taurus, the exaltation of the Moon. As a result, Aldebaran oozes luxury & power. It provides opulence & favour, but that’s not all…

Another figure associated with Aldebaran is Archangel Michael, who killed a dragon. The star also has a brave, martial tone to it, which is perhaps why Ptolemy associated it with Mars. Aldebaran has a "bullish" nature, which is why I call it a Martial Taurus. The bull charges and, for better or worse, gets what it wants. Aldebaran is the kind of star that can bring about success & honours in one’s life through its determination & focus - the bull’s eye! Like a bull, Aldebaran symbolises tenacity, providing what it takes to persevere through challenges to obtain the reward. I’ve always found it interesting that we use a red cape for bullfighting (even though I don’t like the practice itself!), with this colour associated with both Mars & Aldebaran.

The other important thing about Aldebaran: it’s all about principles! According to Bernadette Brady, each of the 4 royal stars can "grant glory, success or happiness if a particular nemesis is overcome.” For Aldebaran, this nemesis presents itself as an unfailing commitment to strong morals: one has to abide by strong values & principles, and avoid the temptation to betray their own integrity.

Aldebaran offers tremendous drive and sustenance, but, like any extraordinary amount of energy, it has to be well-directed or… it will explode. The bull’s eye precision can propel one to stratospheric heights & honours, but strong ethics have to direct this ascension. Otherwise, the energy could very well be dispersed or misfire. This is the other "bullish" side of Aldebaran: those around someone with such drive could be knocked off their feet or even end up bullied or forced to sit on the side. This is why the "humble" & grounded part is so important: by committing to strong values, someone can remain grounded & not let their success or honour get to their head & start feeling superior or "better" than others.

An example I love for this is Robin Williams. According to fixed star parans method, Williams had Aldebaran in paran to his Mercury - a very interesting Mercury which ruled his 11H of allies & fans, which was exactly conjunct his Midheaven at 22° Leo! Austin Coppock calls the third decan of Leo "the Banner". There is a particular tenacity here, a will to defend & be victorious. With Aldebaran in paran to his Mercury, Robin Williams was an outspoken comedian, who remains adored by his loyal fans. Throughout his life and despite his extraordinary celebrity, he managed to not let success & fame get to his head. As a result, his public image (Mercury conjunct the MC) remained untouched, just like his success & reputation.

This is the heart of Aldebaran: great integrity & values lead to tremendous stamina, and the necessary backbone to attain success & honour. Finally, in terms of practical correspondences, Aldebaran is associated with the milk thistle, and the ruby, a red precious stone. So remember: passion, integrity and a taste for the better things in life, that’s what Aldebaran is all about!


Scorpio Season: Decay and The Art of Grieving


The Fixed Stars Series: #1: Spica