Mars Cazimi in Scorpio

Protection, Courage, Victory

About this Collection…

Illuminated by a reddish light, the Scorpion patiently waits.

‘Incandescent’ is the 9th collection on Materia Girl, Hélo Astro’s talismanic and magical space. It’s also the first Mars collection, and a deeply personal one for me. As a Scorpio rising with a Pisces Mars, my life and personal experiences have showed me the deep and sacred facets of the warrior God. A traditionally malefic planet, capable of causing destruction, Mars’ positive and constructive qualities are often occulted. I don’t blame anyone for this though, as Mars can often have unpleasant effects! Mars is indeed capable of (and primarily known for) its chaotic and violent qualities, something which I believe should not be underestimated: yes, Mars is ruthless and bloodthirtsy, and the common experience of Mars in our daily lives is by essence primarily a negative one. Astrology is a tool that allows us to understand life in all its complexities, with both its positive and negative sides, and Mars allows us to paint this nuanced picture.

All of this being said, there is nothing “common” or average about the planetary alignment that will preside over the birth of this collection. The word “incandescent” refers to a substance or object that emitts light as it is brought to an extreme degree of heat, becoming purified in the process. This is the same process that Mars undergoes between November 16-19, 2023, as the red planet is exactly conjoined by the Sun at 26° of Scorpio. When a planet is within less than 1° of the Sun, it is “cazimi” (which literally translates to “in the heart of the Sun”). During this brief, short-lived moment, the planet becomes extremely dignified through a purification by extreme heat: like molten metal, the heat killing all bacteria, the planet is cleaned anew.

The specificity of this short-lived exact conjunction between the Sun and Mars is their nature, as both are hot and dry planets. The resulting alchemy between planets of a similar nature is the reinforcement and purification of Mars’ qualities in his nocturnal domicile of Scorpio: constructive, refined and determined, these qualities are deployed to their fullest extent. I like to think of Scorpio, a water sign, as a continuous and powerful stream of water — like a hose. This concentrated energy, when used correctly, can be generate tremendous amounts of power and drive (think of the energy created when using a dam!). In the case of the ‘Incandescent’ collection, the most purified and constructive energy of Mars is used to create a potent fuel for the wearer’s highest ambitions, while simultaneously serving as a shield.

As I said, this alignment is unique and taps into the qualities of Mars that are the most essential and pure: a Mars cazimi in Scorpio happens only once every 15 to 17 years. Not all of these cazimi events are suitable for talisman-making, as other strict criteria (the good positioning of the Moon, the talismans being made during Mars planetary hour…) must be met. This is to ensure that the resulting talismans and talismanic products are free from all evil or harmful consequences, and solely filled with the most dignified and elevated of Martial spirits. Now you may ask, what does a helpful Martial spirit look like? How can a closer relationship with Mars benefit your life?

To answer these questions, we need to go back to the basics of who Mars is. The god Mars is a Roman amalgamation of the Greek god Ares and of other local gods and spirits, particularly agricultural ones. Ares is very different from Mars: a god of senseless killing and violence, of destructive rage and brute force, he was shunned by other gods of the Greek pantheon and feared by the Greeks — no constructive qualities were seen in him aside of the capacity to brave fear and to go into battle. The Roman Mars is different: seen as capable of strategy and of tactical war to achieve peace (much like the goddess Athena), Mars’ violent temperament was also augmented with positive qualities: strategy, determination and victory. He also took on protective qualities, and was used in astrology from these times onwards to bring protection (through talismans for example). This is something we see in Mars’ agrarian significations: as he was assimilated to Ares, the Romans also associated him to older, local gods of fertility, agriculture and crops. Mars Silvius or Silvianus (“Mars of the woods”, or “Mars of the forest”) was a divinity that could be invoked to protect crops from pests and to bring abundance, although this significance of Mars has mostly been forgotten over the course of astrological history.

At the height of his dignity in Scorpio, these are the qualities of Mars I wanted to invoke with this collection: the capacity to move, act, strategise and hold on towards victory and success, but also to create a powerful shield of protection. In the third decan of Scorpio, Mars is particularly brave and tenacious, relentless at times. The spirit of Mars is invoked for those who need this fighting spirit, not to bring discord between those who evoke it and others, but to fill them with this pure, strategic force of mind, body and spirit that is necessary to push through towards one’s goals. In this configuration, coupled with the confident and radiant Sun, Mars encourages and supports you towards victory by fueling you with the necessary energy and hunger for more.

This is why the Mars Cazimi in Scorpio collection is ideal for those who need this spirit, particularly if the goal(s) you are pursuing necessitate endurance and sustained efforts: designed to bring victory and triumph, it is especially suited to those who attract negative and persistent intentions, those who operate in intense competitive/negotiating settings (applying/interviewing for jobs in competitive fields, asking for a promotion/raise, arguing for/winning court cases or in business settings, those who live in stressful situations where they don’t have the upper hand…). In his dignified glory, Mars assists the wearer with an energy that brings poise, respect and admiration. It is also designed to bring courage and strength to defend yourself and others, and is particularly recommended if to grow more comfortable in your skin by “standing your ground” and going after what you wish for.

Protection is an essential part of magic, and is particularly needed during an ascension to success as your victory may bring jealousy and envy, whether consciously or unconsciously, from certain people and your general surroundings. In this respect, the powerful energy of Mars in Scorpio builds a powerful protective shield, and allows this negative energy to be kept away. ‘Incandescent’ is good for strenghtening defences, but also courage when facing intimidating people or situations.

Finally, Mars in the third decan of Scorpio is a pursuer — this is also applicable in the sensual and sexual sphere! This Martial energy is ideal to help you explore and experiment with your sexuality, (re-)awakening sexual appetites and even experimenting with feeling “in charge” for those who are curious about this aspect of themselves. Venus is traditionally the planet of sexuality and intimacy, for she binds and connects while Mars separates and severes — this is why this collection is perhaps not recommend for more conventional or softer pleasures and sensual exploration, but instead for stronger effects, and with “taking the reins” — or even for more kinky purposes. This is why I recommend using this collection to explore sexual appetites (if you wish so) in settings where you feel comfortable and in the right headspace to let your desires and appetites flow in, and of course with informed and consenting partners!

Three talismanic items with distinct properties are offered as part of this collection: the Mars in Scorpio talismans, the “Golden Scorpion” Anointing Oil, and the “Fiery Shield” Amulet Pouches. You can discover them on the collection page after their release on Nobember 19, 2023. Here are some of their distinct characteristics:

🩸 Mars Cazimi in Scorpio talismans: used to build a long-standing relationship with Mars, talismans are the most potent and long-lasting items, with its powers lasting a lifetime. Made from precious Martial stones (carnelian, red coral…), these talismans are designed to bring victory and triumph while building a strong protection around the wearer - this is perfect for those who work in stressful settings or are surroundd by negative energy they wish to be protected from.

🩸“Golden Scorpion” Anointing Oil: The ultimate empowerment and protection oil! The oil of Mars in Scorpio, made with precious Mars ingredients for courage, protection and potency is a wonderful all-purpose oil to be used on the self, candles and other objects for protective and victory spells. It provides the wearer with energy, tenacity and gives strong will to pursue what the heart desires most ardently.

🩸 “Fiery Shield” Amulet Pouches: Filled with the finest herbs of the Martial realm traditionally used in protection magic to repel curses, jinxes and jealousy, these amulets are designed to be put in places you wish to protect and drive negativity away from (on your doorstep, in your office…). It can also be carried on you before challenging encounters to help reinforce protection.

I’m very excited for you to discover the powers of Mars Cazimi in Scorpio! You can read more about each item and shop the collection via the button below! 🦂

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