
Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Nicole D.

I'm completely blown away by the consultation I had. This was the BEST I have ever had.

I wasn't prepared for how detailed, thorough and most of all - thoughtful her insight would be for understanding my chart and planetary remediation. I immediately felt at ease. She's not only intelligent, but a blast to be around! You leave with priceless instruction and a feel good conversation that allows you to start a new chapter!

All my worries and issues were not only resolved, but she went above & beyond to dive deeper into specific areas to give me hope. She gave me excellent examples on how to approach and excel challenges in ways that worked for my lifestyle.

I am confident now moving forward with areas of my chart that I was insecure towards before. I felt heard with her guidance and solutions that worked for me. I am honored to have gained her profound lens for interacting with the magical & astrological world around us! Her passion for the stars not only shines through, but reinvigorates your love for the cosmos (and your natal chart) in new ways. I could pick her brain for hours!

This is definitely the highlight of my year.

I can't wait to book again!

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Njoki N.

There are three things I love about Héloïse's approach: one is that she is a teacher at heart, and so she is able to share her enthusiasm and bright ideas while making many challenging concepts sound really easy! The second is her openness and deep insight to whatever questions or inquiries I bring to the table - she gives them deep thought and is always able to revert with an approach that allows me to be more curious and hopeful about the possibilities. The third thing is that she is really positive, which is important when you are telling people about times to avoid and challenges to look out for. For her the chart is a fount of endless possibility and wonder, even the challenging aspects, which is a really exciting way to look at whatever is possible in life, regarding plans and more. Her materia and talismanic work are also wonderful!

I've worked with Hélo for a couple of years now, and I would recommend her wholeheartedly!

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Itzel D.

Hi Héloïse! I guess Mercury Rx is a good time to write you an update about this haha!

It's been a wild few months. Shortly after my last update, I moved to Thailand. I'm pretty certain it was Jupiter that led me here, as elephants are ruled by Jupiter and they also happen to be Thailand's national animal - they're everywhere here! I even got an elephant plushie that I put on my altar :)

About my Venus practice (and the main concern of my consultation last year), Venusian synchronicities and situations have been very on point. I started using the Bumble dating app while being here (actually I downloaded the app and set up my profile during Venus day and hour, after my weekly practice, on a day with both Venus and the Moon in Taurus). Couple days later I matched with this guy from Spain but living in the city (both foreigners). Conversation flowed and we had a first date. I asked Venus to please send me a sign if this was the person I had been praying for. On our first coffee date he arrived about 15 min late, the thing is we were supposed to meet at noon (Sun hour in my location), but he arrived shortly after the planetary hour shifted to Venus. And the menu of the cafeteria where we met, it had a few items made with Venusian ingredients (e.g. peach iced tea). I'm trying not to be too delusional and instead watch the situation unfold, but I have a good feeling about this.

Anyway, THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE AMAZING WORK YOU DO!! I'm so happy I got that consultation almost one year ago.

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro


Excellent. You exhibited great tact, acted with graciousness and generosity with your time, and displayed both understanding and empathy for the questions of this beginner, new to the realm of planetary remediation. You were just great. 10/10, 100/100. Thank you so much, Héloïse!

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Travis W.

Héloïse brought positive energy and professionalism to our consultation. She gave valuable insights on the best timing for my career path and love life, based on my chart. She also provided a load of information/resources pertinent to me to use after the consultation. Thank you for your wise words and graciousness, I really appreciate it, Héloïse!

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Joseph S.

I booked a Planetary remediation consultation with Héloïse which was very intuitive, thorough, individualized and most importantly, for me, proactive. Héloïse did a great job highlighting areas of focus for me moving forward to rectify imbalances and she did a great job explaining and answering relevant questions. As many can relate, I have had astrological readings in the past which have always left me wanting “more”; With the guidance of Héloïse I was provided a specialized ritual for me to perform in accordance with my natal chart and after following her recommendations for several weeks I have noticed a notable shift in perspective and energy. Highly recommend booking a planetary remediation with Héloïse!

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Hélo Astro Hélo Astro

Gaëlle K.

Cette consultation avec Héloïse m'a beaucoup éclairé, je l'ai trouvée enrichissante et réconfortante. Grâce à ses observations, j'ai pu méditer sur les zones de tension et les richesses de mon thème, mais aussi approfondir ma compréhension des corps célestes. Être en conversation avec ce qui nous traverse et nous entoure n'est jamais aisé mais assises ensemble et ce, en personne, nous avons élaboré de nouvelles méthodes et rituels à explorer favorisant l'équilibre et le confort qui me faisaient défaut et apaiser mes anxiétés. Héloïse est passionnée, son regard avisé, bienveillant, plein de créativité et d'humour. N'hésitez pas à lui remettre votre carte du ciel entre les mains et laissez vous guider !

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