Venus in Taurus

Love, Beauty, Profit

About this Collection…

As we head into the first days of spring, the heavens bless us with the exceptional abundance of Venus in Taurus. This is a season I’ve long anticipated, and wish to share its bounty and delights with you!

The last two years have been marked by the presence of Saturn, the greater malefic, in his domicile of Aquarius. This tainted the past seasons of Venus in Taurus with Saturnine heaviness - as well as the Taurus Moons that occurred in the meantime. While Luna exalts in the domicile of the sea-born goddess, her monthly encounters with Saturn through a tense, difficult square were far from enjoyable.

This time around, the dynamics have noticeably shifted.

Now that Saturn is in Pisces (and the other malefic, Mars in Gemini, is averse to Venus !), the fair Goddess gets to enjoy her domicile to the fullest. This feels like going back to a beloved home where you keep all your treasures after an aggressive, grumpy neighbour has finally moved out - she gets to have it all to herself!

The magical election I have chosen to hold space and keep an incarnation of the spirit of Venus is a deeply enchanting one: on March 24, 2023, the Moon and Venus will conjoin in the first decan of Taurus. The chart I have chosen has this magical conjunction rising on the day *and* hour of Venus, a moment I have been waiting for & cherishing in my heart. Let me tell you about it.

Long before the election, which only lasts a brief moment in time, the astromage grows more and more attuned to its energy. As the preparation (mental & practical) begins, often months in advance, a warm feeling of recognition grows in our hearts. My Venusian practice and the enthusiasm I & other expressed went into feeding and nurturing this beautiful moment in time. An election is a concentration of energy, like a warm home filled with people who love you and eagerly await for you to come, waiting with gifts of all your favourite things. To welcome Venus and the Moon in Taurus, I decided to spend time close to nature, in the company of my cats and surrounded by silence and beautiful things. I decided to take things slow, to enjoy this miraculous moment.

In the first decan of Taurus, Venus is an ode to the present. Blessed with abundant resources and all sorts of delights - tasty food, restful sleep and enjoyable company - Venus enjoins us to take things extremely slowly so we can appreciate and savour her gifts in full. When she is in this first decan, Venus is predisposed towards luxury and fine things. Unabashedly opulent, Venus takes away the shame we may feel to enjoy the finer things in life.

This collection is ideal for those who grew up or experienced shame or unworthiness when it comes to pleasures big or small. Venus in Taurus I encourages us to freely accept gifts, marks of affection or time dedicated to leisure and fun. Many of us feel guilty or overly indulgent when we take time off productivity or to do our favourite things. You may feel embarrassed or undeserving when someone shows interest in you, or when someone (a friend, relative or lover) treats you to something nice. The Luxuriante collection was designed specifically to not only attract (gifts, love and sexual pleasure, enjoyable social time or simply time to enjoy your hobbies…), but also to increase our capacity to receive. This is why this collection is also ideal as a helper in situations where you don’t feel particularly at ease in receiving: social situations (making friends, going to an event or party, meeting new people…), in a romantic context (meeting someone new, going on a date, receiving gifts, during sex…), or just when you want to feel like you are *worth* what your heart desires. This is not meant to erase your identity or make you depend on this to get by in those situations: because astro magic is deeply relational, this Venus materia is not simply an object you will be using, but a device which allows you to connect with the highly refined spirit of this particular election. By connecting and building a true relationship with Venus through repeated, intentional contact, you are made to understand and sublimate the Venusian qualities that exist *within* you!

With the help of the Moon’s presence and conjunction to Venus in the sign of her exaltation, this materia is a prime, potent moment incarnated in physical form. A word of caution of their proximity to the North Node: while the tradition states that this is particularly benefic for Venus, whose beneficence increases, it is traditionally discouraged to place the Moon there. My choice to go ahead with this election was confirmed to me through divination and because of the otherwise extremely benefic factors present: Venus’ rulership over the ascendant, day, hour and the Moon herself and the absence of malefic influence. I aim to be transparent in my way of doing things, as you all deserve to be. My magic is informed by a deep wish to help you feel empowered, autonomous and well-informed in the way you interact with the planetary spheres. This is why I believe it is important to disclose all the factors that went into the choice of an election: no magic is perfect, but it can always be done in well-researched good faith!

When it comes to Venus and her effects, do not expect to be efficient or get things done in time when she is around! Wearing Venus talismanic materia, you may find yourself getting places late, losing track of time or basking in pleasurable activities instead of… well doing things that may be *remotely* stressful. Because of her deeply attractive and sensual nature, Venus may also attract all kinds of attention at times - including not particularly enjoyable kinds. In general, I recommend doing protection rituals (bay leaf baths, energetic cleansing…) to keep yourself in a space where you feel at ease.

All of that being said, I invite you to enjoy this collection with no moderation. My heart and soul went into crafting this, and each item has been filled with deep love and intention. You deserve the luxury that Venus has to offer, and you deserve moments of pure joy and delight. The way I see it, we all need some Venus in our lives! 

Each item (talisman, body butter, oil & wax + paper talisman) has its specific properties and are available in different formats, so take your time to look at each and make your choice :)

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