ECLIPSOSCOPE: Lunar Eclipse in Libra, 25/3/2024

Eclipses are highly volatile, awe-inspiring & destabilising events. In ancient times, it was thought that a dragon, the demon of eclipses (symbolising the North & South Node) would swallow the Sun & Moon before regurgitating them. If solar eclipses are the most intense & significant events of the two, lunar eclipses *foreshadow* events and what’s to come.

This eclipse takes place in the 1st decan of Libra, symbolised by “a blindfold and a sword”. This is a decan of justice & of certainty, harsher than the more classic iteration of Libra. This is accentuated by the fact that the eclipse takes place in the Egyptian terms of Saturn. Vettius Valens calls this term of Libra “kingly, lofty, effective […] barren, moist, destructive”. This eclipse is to-the-point & implacable.

The primary theme of this eclipse is justice. If justice is needed, it will be swiftly served. But there is also no going back: once the sentence has been applied, once a choice has been made, it’s impossible to retract. Do not let the dragon blind you: be fair, but measured. This is a good time to reflect on injustices all around you (including the ones you share a degree of responsibility in), but also a good reminder that real justice and accountability are slow — or run the risk of doing precisely the opposite of what they intend. Do not judge others harshly, and act on impulses that may not render the full picture.

In the strange light of eclipsed luminaries, reserve your judgement and let this eclipse season pass before getting to a point of no return — be it in your relationships, material situation or life choices.


  • Aries rising (NN in the 1st house, SN in the 7H): less of you, more of me! You undergo a profound personal transformation (in your appearance & character), and affirm yourself over your personal relationships & the needs of others.

  • Taurus rising (NN in the 12th house, SN in the 6H): you are contemplating isolation & private time - possibly relocation as well. You become tired of repeating routines & your workplace, you start envisioning solitude in a new light.

  • Gemini rising (NN in the 11th house, SN in the 5H): joy is to be found in community & allies - you meet people who are truly supportive, building alliances & networks. You become more focused on fulfilment through social bonds over personal creativity & pleasure.

  • Cancer rising (NN in the 10th house, SN in the 4H): great ambitions ahead, you are building your reputation & next steps in your image & career. Home life & hometown becomes less of a priority as you move towards public life.

  • Leo rising (NN in the 9th house, SN in the 3H): you are more inclined towards learning, spirituality & philosophical matters - you want to discover more, expand your horizons & leave the local area to the profit of a more worldly expansion of the mind.

  • Virgo rising (NN in the 8th house, SN in the 2H): money matters become important, you may share/provide assistance to those who need it. Works around grief & mourning the past are also emphasised. Tax situation can change.

  • Libra rising (NN in the 7th house, SN in the 1H): the emphasis moves onto others in your life (partners, friends…), you pay attention to those around you & make sacrifices - you learn a lot about relationships & what makes them fulfilling, but may forget about yourself at times.

  • Scorpio rising (NN in the 6th house, SN in the 12H): you may postpone relocation/a desire for solitude as routines & health matters attract your attention. You become concerned about prioritising your well-being through a regimen & workplaces that are better suited to you.

  • Sagittarius rising (NN in the 5th house, SN in the 11H): creative matters & children become more important as you find joy & pleasure in the personal aspects of life - social connections & networking become less of a priority at this time.

  • Capricorn rising (NN in the 4th house, SN in the 10H): your attention shifts to your roots/homeland & building a cozy nest. Your reputation & image become less of a focus as you wish to cultivate the peace of a protective environment. Home renovations are also possible.

  • Aquarius rising (NN in the 3rd house, SN in the 9H): you become interested in exploring your surroundings & what the local space has to offer. The concrete experience of your local space, education & neighbourhood become more attractive as you shift from big picture ideals.

  • Pisces rising (NN in the 2nd house, SN in the 8H): focusing on increasing personal resources & your own income/saving - how can your resources help in prioritising *yourself*? You release how much you’ve been sharing & decide maybe things need to shift.

I hope you enjoyed this thread! If you’re interested in exploring the meaning of this eclipse for you, I offer a Nodes & Eclipse consultation, where we explore the themes they draw in your life, the key events they signify & eclipse remediation. More info + bookings:


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