Make Your Own Regulus Talisman!

Hello friends,

Welcome back for a new and special article on how to make your own talisman at home! It’s one I’m very excited to share, and features one of the most powerful and regal fixed stars: Regulus! This talisman is easy to make, and although this article features one special election, you can also use this image for future Regulus talismans you wish to make!

Before we start, I will review a couple basics to make sure that what I’m talking about makes sense to you.

Talisman? Fixed Star? What is it?

To keep it simple, a talisman is an object created at a specific time for magical purposes. Created with specific ingredients depending on its form and goal, a talisman is ensouled with a spirit and can in turn be used to achieve different goals. In the podcast on talismans I recorded with Taalumot, I refer to talismans as “a portable house for your little [spirit] friends”. You can think of talismans as divine, sacred receptacles of a highly dignified spirit-friend that helps you work towards what it is you wish to achieve.

If you want to learn more about astrological talismans and how they work, I recommend taking a look at the article I have previously written on the topic: “What is Astrological/Talismanic Materia?

The instructions below will allow you to create your own talisman. Creation instructions are pretty simple, and no prior background in (astrological) magic is necessary — only respecting the timing constraints outlined!

About Fixed Stars — what are we talking about here?

When you look up to the night sky, you can see different celestial bodies. Some of them, like the Moon (our satellite), Venus or Mars are planets which belong to our solar system. Their position will move from day to day or year to year. For example, in August 2025, Venus will be in a different spot in the sky compared to where she is now!

On the contrary, the more distant fixed stars you can see, and which forms constellations (like the Big Dipper, or Sirius) don’t seem to move from our point of view. From year to year, Regulus will be in the exact same spot in the sky, hence the name of “fixed” star  (in reality it does move due to precession, albeit extremely slowly). Because of this, fixed stars and constellations became important to humans from the very beginning of our existence, for all sorts of purposes: agriculture (deciding when to sow the crops), navigation (orienting yourself with no land in sight!), and many other uses!

In ancient astrology, fixed stars had great mythical & practical powers: tied to a native’s life story through their chart, or with their image impressed on a talisman, fixed stars could bring various auspicious things to mankind. As a result, a rich history of myths, legends and scientific knowledge spanning hundreds of thousands of years surrounds fixed stars: associated with animals, heroes or mythical objects, they have a lot to teach us about what it means to be human in connection with the divine.

Aside from their more mundane use, fixed stars have a wide range of applications in astrological magic. From the start, the magical properties of these celestial guides have been listed alongside their day-to-day ones, making them an exciting and fertile terrain for astro magic exploration. People who lived during Islamic medieval times were particularly knowledgeable of these stars and their magical properties: Regulus, also deemed one of the “Royal Stars of Persia”, is no exception! The following instructions come from various ancient medieval texts on the Heart of the Lion, and are all cited at the end for your convenience. Let’s dive in!

Regulus, Cor Leonis

One of the brightest stars in our skies, Regulus represents the Heart of the Leo constellation. According to Bernadette Brady, Regulus was considered one of the four royal stars of Persia, the Watcher of the North. Associated with the great king Feridun in Persian mythology, “he was a good and great king whose origins were similar to Zeus.” As the burning heart of the Lion, Regulus represents what is most noble, elevated and successful. Regulus is a great star to work with if you feel intimidated by the Solar sphere, or would like to work with the Sun but he’s debilitated/weak in your natal chart.

Since fixed stars are far away from us and considered as fully part of the divine sphere, when we want to create a fixed star talisman we need the intervention of the Moon. Since Regulus is located at 0°06’ Virgo, in today’s talisman we will use an election where the Moon in Leo is applying to conjoin Regulus, while the star culminates on the Midheaven, with Venus just past it. Talk about a Royal Star!

The key words of Regulus are: wealth, success, fame, happiness, confidence. Use the talisman you will make to ask Regulus for any of these things!

Detailed below are citations of various ancient authors about Regulus, and how we can create a talisman for it:

“"Under the Heart of Leo, they made the image of a Lion or Cat, or the figure of an honourable person sitting in a chair; it rendreth a man temperate, appeaseth wrath, and giveth favour” (Cornelius Agrippa, Three Book of Occult Philosophy, Book II, chapter 47).

According to mythical mage Hermes, a talisman of Regulus “bears away anger and melancholy, restores the temperament and gives great honours and great riches." (Hermes, On the Fifteen Stars.)

In summary, the spirit of Regulus can be petitioned for the increase of wealth, to chase away sadness and melancholy and bring happiness, to obtain honour, success and fame. This is what you can ask the star for when making this talisman.

Creating the talisman

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