Timing in Astrology: Profections, Firdaria and More

If you follow me on social media or read some of what I write (thank you, mwah!), you’ve probably already heard me talk about “activation” or “activated planets”. And you may have wondered, justifiably so, “what the hell does activated mean?”. In this article, we will be discussing exactly that: what “activated” mean, the concept of timing in astrology and the various layers of timing and interpretation that exist!

First of all, it’s important to understand where, as an astrologer, I situate myself: for timing predictions, I mostly use a blend of Hellenistic and medieval techniques (something that most would call a “traditional” perspective). The list of timing techniques I present here is not exhaustive, because 1) there are certain ones I simply do not use, such as secondary progressions — this doesn’t mean these techniques aren’t relevant, but simply that my expertise stops there and I don’t want to discuss something I don’t know very well! 2) I cannot discuss every single timing technique that exists, even if there are ones I regularly use (such as eclipses) as I’m trying to maintain a coherent structure and these don’t integrate super well into that — even though I may regularly use them in consultations!

With all that being said, let’s dive in! How does timing work in astrology, and what is an “activated” planet?


Let’s start with the basics: timing always start with a specific chart, so let’s have a look at a birth chart. Here’s an example below, with the birth chart of Marilyn Monroe. We can see Marilyn has a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo rising… All things we may try to use to delineate her personality, what she was like, what her career or relationship to her parents would look like.

But how, for example, would we determine when she would get the big hit of her career? Get married, or meet important partners? That’s where timing comes into play.

In traditional astrology, the approach is slightly different: we wouldn’t look at the chart’s points all at once (what the Moon, Sun, Venus etc. are up to), but instead take into which ones are “active”, meaning activated by one or more of the timing techniques that we use (see below). This is important, because this helps use determine how the “natal promise”, AKA the seed of what is intended for us, will unfold as indicated by the planets. You can easily see that in your own life: you may get married, get your dream job or receive an inheritance after the passing of a grandparent, but these things will rarely happen all at once — they’re all separate events, signified by different things in your chart.

The question of how it will happen, what it will look like will be determined by a specific placement. For example, say that Venus is the ruler of your 7th house: the specific placement of Venus in your chart (by sign, house, etc.) will determine how your relationships and potential marriage will look like. The question of when will be determined by when Venus will be activated. Venus won’t be activated all the time, or every year! Which is why we will try to pay attention to her timing: the years/months/days of her activation will be especially relevant in trying to make an accurate prediction as to when you’ll enter a relationship, for example.

In Marilyn Monroe’s chart, this means we won’t look at every New and Full Moon, every planetary return or all aspects to her natal chart to try and make a prediction: that would be a LOT of information, and not all relevant or significant. Instead, we will first try to determine which planet is activated, and then look at its specific transits to see what sort of event will take place, and when it will happen.

Here’s a simple example using her Sun. We know that Marilyn has the Sun in Gemini II, which can symbolise being known through speech, communication or writing, contracts, or making an important decision. Her Sun rules her 1st house of the self, appearance, health & body, and the 11th house of friends, allies and audience/fans. If her Sun is activated (which in this example we will assume it is), then important decisions in her life will take place around those themes ONLY when the Sun is activated.

In late 1950, when she was 24 (Sun activation), she signed her first important contract with Fox (Sun in Gemini), bringing an important change to her sense of self (1st house) and gaining a new audience (11th house). The trigger point was that she had multiple Sun activations (Leo period through zodiacal releasing, Leo profection year…). This started a period of signing bigger contracts for more important films, and in turn grew her audience and reputation…

Now that we have explained how timing works within the birth chart, let’s explain exactly what these techniques are, and how they work together to provide powerful predictions.

The Timing Funnel

In astrology, not all timing techniques work on the same level. Some techniques, like zodiacal releasing or firdaria, can encompass decades/several years of time in the native’s life at their largest, while things like profections look at one year at a time, or one month (for monthly profections)… and transits can go down to years or even minutes. The astrologer will use several techniques in combination to refine their prediction and observe repeating patterns. This is what I call the “timing funnel” (see illustration below): if, by observing all of these layers, the astrologer observes a repeating pattern at least three times, a prediction can be made.

Example: say that within the next 8 years, you have Venus activated using zodiacal releasing (that’s one event). You then observe than Venus is activated by yearly profections this year starting from your birthday (that’s two). You then notice that for that given year, Venus will station retrograde (that’s three): that Venus retrograde will be of extra importance! Whereas during other years (Venus stationing every year and a half), this retrograde may not be of special significance.

Like the layers of a cake, timing provides us with the substance of what we are about to experience: your placements will give you all the little details about a given event, but the repetition of patterns (which we call “stacking testimonies”) will allow you to determine when it will take place. You may have several things in your chart that indicate you’ll become a successful entrepreneur, but the timing funnel will show whether this will happen at age 25 or 52!

Now that we’ve discussed how timing is organised, let’s dive into specific timing techniques by order of magnitude. This isn’t an exhaustive description and you should dive deeper into each technique if you’re interested in learning more, but rather a comprehensive introduction to each technique.

Zodiacal Releasing

Zodiacal Releasing is an ancient astrological technique that originates from the work of Vettius Valens, a 2nd-century Hellenistic astrologer. For a good understanding to ZR, as some call it, I recommend Kira Ryberg’s lecture on the topic. Chris Brennan also did a 4-hour introductory video, if you’re feeling up for the challenge!

This method is primarily used to map out the significant periods and turning points in a person's life by dividing their life into different “levels”, much like chapters and paragraphs in a book. The basic system is that you first locate the lot (such as the Lot of Fortune, or Lot of Spirit) from which you want to release — which will have an influence on the topic you wish to describe. For example, releasing from the Lot of Fortune will be helpful to determine the topic of events pertaining to things that “befall” you, that you don’t have control over, such as health or inheritance, wheareas the Lot of Spirit signifies things pertaining to what you wilfully engage in — for example your ambitions and career.

Then, you “release“ from the Lot. Look at the sign that the lot is in. For example, Marilyn Monroe had her lot of Spirit in Sagittarius. Each sign has a set number of years associated with it. As we release from Spirit, the first period of her life will have Sagittarius activated, which corresponds to about 12 years. Then, she switches to Capricorn, the next sign in zodiacal order, which has a length of 27 years. This means that from ages 12 to 39, she will be influenced by the sign of Capricorn, and every planet in cardinal signs in her chart since Capricorn is a cardinal sign. The only planet Marilyn has in a cardinal sign is Venus in Aries, planet of beauty and love, which we know had monumental influence in her rise to fame.

This is just on the biggest level (which we call level 1, and as we have seen can span decades). But as you can see on the image, there are a lot of smaller levels (level 2 spans several months to a year, level 3 is several weeks to a couple months… etc, down to level 7 which literally spans seconds!). The process involves several levels of analysis, with the primary level indicating overarching themes and the sub-levels refining the timing of more specific events.

Zodiacal releasing is especially interesting when we seek the repetition of patterns. In 1948, Monroe, who initially started as an actress, was signed to Columbia under a short-term contract for a movie (which wasn’t successful). In parallel, she started taking lessons from the studio’s head drama coach, Natasha Lytess, who worked with her until 1955. As you can see on the ZR breakdown, in 1948 Monroe was in a Cancer period, which was a “peak” period for Monroe — meaning it was a very active, key period for her, one where she was working hard to achieve success and get recognised. When was the next Cancer period for her? From 1955 to 1957, about 6 years later. This was also a “loosing of the bond” period for her, meaning a very important arc where the themes activated during the previous Cancer period all came together. In the span of 6 years, Monroe had rose to international stardom, and been confirmed as a Hollywood icon.

In 1955, Monroe ended her 7 year contract with Fox which made her famous, seeking to build her own studio and independence. That same year, she started taking acting classes again, this time at the infamous Actors Studio. This bears similar theme to the previous Cancer period, as she both ended a contract the last time (with Columbia) and took acting classes in an attempt to perfect her art. Zodiacal releasing is very useful to make sense of longer periods and see what themes will repeat.


Firdaria is a traditional timing technique used in astrology, primarily within the framework of medieval and Persian astrology. It divides a person's life into planetary periods, with each planet ruling a specific span of time. The technique is similar to the Indian Vimshottari Dasha system and is used to understand the general themes and influences of certain periods in a person's life based on the planetary ruler of that period.

The word firdaria means “planetary period.” This technique is based on the seven traditional planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) and the two lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu, or the North and South Nodes of the Moon). Each planet governs a specific period, during which its qualities dominate the native's life.

  1. Planetary Sequence:

    • Day Chart Sequence (Diurnal Chart): If the person was born during the day (with the Sun above the horizon), the planetary periods follow one sequence (based on Chaldean order, aka going from the slowest planet (Saturn) to the lightest.

    • Night Chart Sequence (Nocturnal Chart): If the person was born at night (with the Sun below the horizon), the sequence the other sequence.

The sequence of planets is divided into major and minor periods. Each major planetary period starts with the planet itself and then is followed by a minor period for each of the other planets, cycling through them in a specific order.

  • Day (Diurnal) and Night (Nocturnal) Charts:

    • For a Diurnal (Day) Chart: The order begins with the Sun, followed by Venus, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, and the Nodes.

    • For a Nocturnal (Night) Chart: The order begins with the Moon, followed by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Nodes.

      Length of Each Period: The periods governed by each planet have a fixed number of years assigned to them:

    • Saturn: 11 years

    • Jupiter: 12 years

    • Mars: 7 years

    • Sun: 10 years

    • Venus: 8 years

    • Mercury: 13 years

    • Moon: 9 years

    • Nodes (Rahu/Ketu): 3 years each

    These periods are longer for the slower-moving planets (like Saturn and Jupiter) and shorter for the faster-moving ones (like Mars and Venus).

    • How Firdaria Works:

    • Primary Planet: The planet that rules a particular Firdaria period becomes the main influencer during those years, seeking to enforce its own “agenda”. For instance, if you're in the Firdaria of Venus, themes related to Venus—love, relationships, beauty, luxury, and artistic talents—are highlighted in your life.

    • Subperiods: Each major planetary period is subdivided into minor periods, where the influence of the primary planet is refined by the secondary planet. If the primary planet is the “main theme”, the subperiod planet is the “enforcer”, realising the goals of the primary one through its own lens. For example, during the Mars Firdaria, you could go through a Sun sub-period, bringing an overlay of Sun themes (leadership, ego, vitality) into the Mars period of activity, ambition, and conflict.

  • Interpretation:

    • The condition of the planet ruling the current Firdaria in a natal chart (its dignity, aspects, house placement, etc.) is crucial for interpretation. A well-placed planet will bring more positive outcomes during its period, while a poorly placed one might bring challenges.

    • Firdaria Periods as Life Chapters: Each Firdaria period is seen as a "chapter" of life, defined by the planet ruling that period. The focus of life events, personality traits, and general circumstances will shift according to the planet's nature and position in the natal chart.

  • Nodes in Firdaria: The North Node (Rahu) and South Node (Ketu) periods in Firdaria represent karmic or spiritual lessons. The North Node tends to bring experiences of desire, material success, and ambition, while the South Node period is often associated with letting go, spiritual growth, or separation.

Let’s use the example of Marylin Monroe’s rise to fame. Between November 1951 and September 1953, she was in a Mercury period and Mars subperiod. This was the time of her rise to fame and also when she started writing a lot (Mercury in Gemini in her 11th house of fans, audiences & the public), but her reputation was also marred by scandals (a nude calendar she posed for younger resurfaced and damaged her reputation, and her movie Niagara, although extremely successful, was decried as immoral as the movie played a lot on her sex appeal). She has Mars in Pisces (the exaltation of Venus) in a day chart (making him more damaging and irritating) in the 8th house (hidden things resurfacing). After September 1953, she officially rose to fame as an icon and coincidentally entered a Sun subperiod, representing fame and her growing status as a Hollywood legend.

Firdaria is a powerful predictive tool in astrology, offering insights into the broad phases of someone's life. By analysing the planetary rulers and their placement in a birth chart, astrologers can make predictions about the themes and challenges a person is likely to experience during each period. It helps in understanding life cycles, transitions, and the flow of planetary influences over time.

Lord of the Turn

This is a complex technique found in the works of medieval islamic Abu Ma’ashar, translated by Dr. Olomi - which uses the lord of the hour of the planet under which you were born to make predictions over the course of a lifetime. Each year (starting from the solar revolution, AKA your birthday) is assigned a planet in Chaldean order starting from the one ruling the hour you were born in. For example, Marilyn Monroe was born Moon hour, so the first year of her life was ruled by the Moon, the second year by Saturn, third by Jupiter (Chaldean order), and so on and so forth.

Dr. Olomi breaks down this technique in detail in one of his Patreon lectures and I recommend heading there if you’re curious about this technique, as he explains it better than I do and in way more detail! One cool thing I love about the technique is that it allows you to determine “Great Years”, years that will be of special importance, as well as “Turning of the Soul” years, where basically the native will feel a profound change in their inclination, values, what animates them.

Applied to Monroe’s life, this technique is quite striking (see image below): starting from 1952, year of the filming of Niagara which would become her first “shocking” movie and confirm her as one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood, she started a streak of important years with a “Great Year”. By the time this started, she was already a rising star and signed to Fox, but 1952-1953 is really when her popularity and image as a sex-symbol started exploding. Interestingly, it was a Venus year, and this is when her signature look was cemented (“dark arched brows, pale skin, "glistening" red lips and a beauty mars”). But since her natal Venus is in Aries, the sign of her detriment, her persona as the dumb blond sex symbol caused fascination as much as it caused an uproar, and scandal.

Interestingly, 1953 was the year when Monroe starred in three of her most famous films: Niagara, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and How to Marry a Millionaire. As you can see on the chart, she was in a Mercury year (with a strong natal Mercury in its domicile, in the 11th house of audiences which increased her mass success), but also in a Turning of the Soul one. Coincidentally, this is when she cemented her “dumb blond” persona and when it became the trademark of her success: this artistic turn makes sense given the year.

Exactly seven years later, the year 1960 marked her decline — she started feeling more and more depressed, increased her medication and opiates intake and started experiencing serious health issues as a result. Her streak ends after 1961, which coincides with the last movie she ever starred in, The Misfits. This was followed by her tragic death in 1962.

As you can see, this is another powerful timing technique that can be layered with others to observe repeating patterns and active periods. Next up, a very important technique I use in ALL of my readings with clients!

Annual Profections

Out of all the techniques we’ve discussed up until now, yearly profections are probably the simplest and most straightforward. An ancient timing system, profections allow us to see what planets are “activated” for a given year. Going back to what I explained earlier, not all planets are activated at the same time, and their transit will be more or less important depending on whether that very planet is active (for example, Mercury retrogrades in 2024 will be more important if Mercury is activated by profection).

So, how does it work? Profection work on a sign basis. Take a look at Marilyn Monroe’s chart, placed below for your convenience. This chart uses the Whole Sign house system, which is the standard system used to discuss profection — don’t worry if you don’t usually use that, it’s pretty straightforward and needed for this technique, so just bear with me.

As you can see, Monroe was born with Leo rising. Using the system of profections, one year of life = one sign activation. Any planet in that sign, as well as the ruler of the sign AND the house that corresponds will be activated for that one. Once the next birthday comes to pass, we move to the next sign. Let’s use Monroe’s chart as an example:

From ages 0 to 1, she was in a Leo/1st house profection year. She doesn’t have any planets in Leo, so only the ruler (Sun) was acivated. This means that any transits of the Sun (eclipses, solar return month…) would have been of special significance for that year. Then after turning 1, she moved to the next sign, Virgo, corresponding to her 2nd house. So age 1 to 2 = Virgo/2nd house profection year, 2 to 3 = Libra/3rd house, 3 to 4 = Scorpio/5th house, etc. We go around the wheel pictured below. At age 11, we all move into a 12th house profection year. What happens then? Every 12 years, the wheel “resets”, and we start over again. So ages 12, 24, 36, 48 etc. are 1st house profection years, and we start over and go around the wheel once more.

The profection year wheel, with Marylin Monroe's rising sign (Leo) as an example.

When I say that a planet is “activated”, I usually mean that it is activated by profection. Let’s use an example: in 1953, when Marilyn was at the height of her glory and starred iin three of her biggest films, she was 26 (and turned 27 in June). So at age 26, by looking at the wheel we know she was in a Libra profection year, which corresponds to her 3rd house. She has no planets in Libra, so we turn to Venus as the ruler of the sign — that year, she had Venus activated. Then when she turned 27, she was in a Scorpio/4th house year. She has Saturn in Scorpio, and Mars rules this sign so we can say that both Mars and Saturn were activated.

These planets all played an important role that year: in 1953, Monroe experienced her Venus return (which went retrograde in Aries!), a Mars cazimi trine her natal Mars, and her Saturn return. We will discuss these events more in detail in the “Transits” section, but for now suffice it to say that they played a major role in her year.

Solar Returns

When you are born, the Sun is at a precise position, degree and minute — Marilyn Monroe’s Sun is at 10°26’ Gemini in her natal chart. Every year, the Sun returns to this same exact degree and minute, usually on the same day (it can be within 24 hours after or before). This is what we call the Solar Revolution, or Solar Return. While the Sun will be at the exact same position, all of the other planets and points (ASC, MC) will be in different places. With this new chart, we will be able to predict what events are to be predicted for the native in the year ahead.

The solar return chart is extremely important for predictive purposes: in ancient times, kings and the most powerful people would have an astrologer cast and interpret not just their natal chart, but ALL of their solar revolutions for decades to come! They allow the astrologer to sketch the year ahead, as well as predict any important event and understand what lies ahead.

Solar return charts are quite complex as the astrologer will not use one, but a multitude of different techniques — and obviously take into account the time lords, AKA planets activated by timing, to make their prediction. Fo example, Marilyn’s solar return (abbreviated as SR) chart for the year 1953, which took place a month before the release of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in July 1953 features a very strong Saturn at the degree of his exaltation (20° Libra) in the 10th house, while Mars in Gemini makes a harmonious trine to it, mimicking her natal Mars-Saturn configuration. This indicates honours and achievements, and the recognition of her years of work and status as a sex symbol by seasoned professionals in her line of work!

There is a lot to be said about this chart and solar returns in general, but suffice it to say there are your best allies in interpreting events that lie ahead in the native’s life for a given year. Combined with other timing techniques, they’re a powerful predictor of what year will be important and exactly what will take place, versus what years are more about transition and moving past something.

If you want to learn more, I recommend Ali Olomi’s lectures on the topic on his Patreon.


Eclipses are extremely important in astrology for timing purposes. I have an entire guidebook and course dedicated to the topic. Let’s explain it briefly:

To determine when an eclipse will take place, it’s pretty simple. A Solar eclipse will happen when a New Moon (Moon conjunct Sun) takes place close to one of the Nodes of the Moon. A lunar eclipse will take place about two weeks prior or later, when a Full Moon (Moon opposite Sun) takes place close to the Nodes. For this reason, a cycle of eclipses will take place about every 6 months from the previous one.

As I’m writing this article in 2024, the Nodes are currently in Aries & Libra (they’re always opposite, exactly 180° apart). This means that the solar eclipses in 2024 either took place in Aries (around April) or in Libra (around October). Eclipses are like a brutal switch between light and dark, highlighting what is going on within the native’s life, and often translating into very literal events.

To know what kind of events an eclipse will bring, look at the sign that the Nodes are in, and see what house these signs correspond to in your chart. For example, if you are an Aries rising, in 2024 the North Node will transit your 1st house, and the South Node (always opposite) will be in your 7H house. Themes around the self, physical appearance and your own wishes & life direction will be more important, while themes regarding relationships, marriage and commitment will be of less importance or redirected towards you. Look at the house signification wheel below to find each themes associated with the houses.

Eclipses can help predict what the main background theme will be in one’s life for the year 1/2 that the Nodes are in a given sign — they help ascertain what’s on the native’s mind, what major events (often literal) will take place and what’s at the forefront of priorities for this span of time. Look not only to eclipses themselves (lasting a brief moment of time), but to the time in between eclipses to know what events will unfold. For example, in 1952-1953 eclipses took place in Marylin’s 1st and 7th houses, with the North Node transiting not only her 7th but also her Moon and Jupiter in Aquarius. That year, she met actor Joe DiMaggio, with whom she would experience a passionate and volatile romance — ending up marrying then divorcing him just two years later. Out of all Monroe’s marriages, this was one of the most important and publicised as their on-and-off, explosive romance regularly made headlines — her stardom matching his as a famous baseball player.

Keep this in mind if you’re trying to predict what’s coming for the year ahead!

Monthly Profections

Monthly profections work on the same principle as annual ones, except that we’re looking at how things are evolving from month to month instead of from year to year.

To calculate them, it’s once again pretty simple: first, calculate what profection year you’re in, AKA what sign is activated (refer to the annual profection section). For example, let’s use Marilyn’s chart again and say she’s 30. That would mean she’s in an Aquarius/7th house year.

Then to calculate monthly profection, we equate one sign = 1 month, starting from the profected month. She was born on June 1st, so when she turns 30, the month of June 1956 would’ve corresponded to an Aquarius month. Then, following the order of the signs, July = Pisces/8th house, August = Aries/9th house, and so on and so forth.

Each activated sign works exactly like annual profections: the sign, planets that are in it and planet it’s ruled by are activated for that given month, and will transfer their meaning to that month. It’s one additional factor to take into account, and very useful if you want to zoom in on that month. I use it a lot with clients for Year Ahead consultations in combination with the SR chart to see when important events will take place.

Once again, Ali Olomi has a very interesting method, which is more complex for monthly profections as it takes two other factors into account. I recommend watching his lecture on the topic as well.

Lunar Return

I won’t get too deep into lunar returns, but suffice it to say they work exactly the same as solar returns, except that you’d look at when the Moon returns to her exact natal position every 28 days or so. For example, for Marilyn Monroe you’d look at when the Moon returns to 19°05’ Aquarius every month, and use that chart to interpret the 28 days ahead.

This is a technique I use less, reserving it to specialised techniques or when I’m looking at a particular month in detail — I’m more keen on the monthly profection technique, which I use systematically to get a good picture of what’s going on for the months ahead!


Transits are the icing on the timing cake. As you have seen in previous sections, there is a wealth of timing techniques at your disposal before looking at transits which allow you to judge whether they will be significant or not. This is what we’ll see now.

To put it simply, in astrology transits refer to the ongoing movement of planets across the sky and how they interact with the positions of the planets in your natal (birth) chart. These transits are used to predict potential influences, events, or changes in different areas of your life based on the planetary alignments at any given time. For example, if a planet in transit forms an aspect (such as a conjunction, square, or trine) to a planet in your natal chart, it could signify a significant moment or influence in that area of your life.

Think of transits as mail delivery. Imagine you’re seeing the post office truck pass your house daily — that’s the planet in transit. Now, if you’re not waiting for any mail this passage won’t really matter to you, so you won’t really notice it — that’s like what the planets are up to most of the time, don’t expect major events to take place every day of your life, most of the time these transits aren‘t significant.

Now, let’s say you are waiting for an important parcel. You’re watching the post truck come by every day, but when can you know that it will be the day it delivers your precious parcel? If you were simply looking at planetary returns, or Mercury retrograde, that would be like thinking “last year, I received a parcel on X day so the next one should come the same day this year”. That’s not how it works! Instead, you’ll pay attention to different factors: how long ago you ordered (it won’t arrive minutes after pressing “order”!), when the post office website says it will arrive, whether the parcel has to be cleared through customs first… In astrology, this is the same as using different timing techniques: the ones detailed above will allow you to refine your search and predict when a certain important event will take place. The mail delivery truck passing by your home is just another factor, but suppose the website says your delivery IS supposed to take place on that day, and that you’ve identified the truck as the correct company (not DHL or Amazon, for example) — suddenly you have a lot more certainty!

Keep this in mind as you’re using transits, and keep in mind they usually act as triggers rather than predictors. To go back to our earlier example:

We’ve already seen that 1952 & 1953 were big years for Marilyn, both for career and love. We’ve seen that she was in a Libra peak period from Spirit in zodiacal releasing (factor #1) until May 1953, therefore highlighting Libra and Venus. Using the Lord of the Turn technique, we’d also seen that 1952 was going to be a “Great Year”, where she would redefine her values and persona (that’s when she went all in on the sexy blonde archetype, choosing her iconic look), and again Venus was doubly activated for that year (factor #2). Finally, the sign of Libra was activated in her chart by profection from June 52’ to 53’, making her time lord Venus (#3). ON top of this, January 1953 (date when her film Niagara took her to the top of the box office) Venus was also activated by monthly profections (factor #3). THIS made her Venus return significant, and this is why the subsequent Venus retrograde in Aries that year was a transit of primary importance.

This ends our section on transits, and we now reach the bottom of the funnel! I hope this article was enlightening, and allowed you to understand how timing techniques work in relation to one another in astrology!

If you’re curious about your own timing and would like to see these techniques used in real time on your own birth chart to see what lies ahead for you, you can book a Year Ahead or Natal consultation with me below!


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