Venus in Pisces Horoscopes

Venus, sea-born, the planet of love, joy, the arts, romance & pleasure is finally in her exaltation for a little over a month, between March 11 to April 5, 2024!

This particular transit is coloured by the co-presence of Saturn in this sign. He brings an air of austerity and responsibility to sweet Venus. Over the next month, your desire for pleasurable pursuits will be tainted by the grumpy old man that is Saturn.

Think of the Bunnies in the Playboy mansion, all having to answer to an 80yo Hugh Hefner... Venus may be young & beautiful, but her curfew is at 9!

Keep this in mind as you read your horoscope!🦋 you may reflect a lot more than usual on the duties & consequences of the fun & pleasure in your life. Or, turn your responsibilities into something fun 👀

These horoscopes are intended for your *rising* sign! Enjoy!

Aries Rising (Venus in your 12th house)

What if creativity was bolstered when you're by yourself? This Venus transit sparks a need to isolate & contemplate the beauty found within & at the margins, which almost becomes a duty at this time. Long-distance love is also possible!

Taurus Rising (Venus in your 11th house)

Your friends & social circle become a true playground at this time, as you find yourself connecting & rejoicing in the friendship of others. Responsibilities also come with this: active nurture & care are key, don't lose sight of that!

Gemini Rising (Venus in your 10th house)

Venus helps you further your ambitions, and you may feel more inclined to cultivate your image & professional relations. While the need to shine & establish yourself influences you, Venus comes to sweeten & bolster your goals.

Cancer Rising (Venus in your 9th house)

To you, pleasure is a sacred affair. This transit allows you to find joy in learning & cultivating a spiritual practice - and perhaps adding necessary discipline. This also bodes well for travel & university exams, esp with (older) women.

Leo Rising (Venus in your 8th house)

During this transit, you're compelled to this about long-term investments of your resources: material, emotional, financial. Venus brings your attention to whether the way you invest in others is sustainable & stable.

Virgo Rising (Venus in your 7th house)

Love is in the air! Your attention is drawn towards relationships & commitment at this time. Stepping up in your level of engagement & seriousness is possible - as well as dating someone older.

Libra Rising (Venus in your 6th house)

You feel a need to make your routines & repetitive tasks more appealing & fun. You're compelled to make some changes and commit to work that makes you happy. A health check up is also on the horizon!

Scorpio Rising (Venus in your 5th house)

Enthusiasm for creativity & putting beauty into the world are high at this time! An air of seriousness surrounds dates & flirting as you feel compelled to take people & your craft more seriously. The topic of children can also come to the forefront!

Sagittarius Rising (Venus in your 4th house)

Decorating & maintaining your home is a prime interest at this time, and you may find that some structural issues in the home need fixing (check your pipes!). Spending time with older family members (parents & women) is also likely.

Capricorn Rising (Venus in your 3rd house)

Pleasant walks around your neighbourhood, getting a new car (more stable & reliable) & spending time with older siblings is likely. Doing magic, cooking and other lunar activities is favoured & likely to become more structured!

Aquarius Rising (Venus in your 2nd house)

Money is coming in, and you're likely to get some financial gains! However, it is best to remain conservative around money & your resources, as you are also simultaneously acquiring more responsibilities & independence.

Pisces Rising (Venus in your 1st house)

There is a renewal in direction & the stewardship of your soul. Saturn indicates that you should take care of your body & health, and Venus assists you in bringing a new sense of joy & happiness as you take on a new autonomy.

Thank you for reading this horoscope! If you’re interested in learning more, you can book a personalised astrology reading with me to discover what the future holds for you, or discover my Venus talismanic collection 🫧💜🦋


Why I’m Not Making Venus in Pisces Materia in 2024


Food, Astrology and Planetary Remediation