🦂 ‘Incandescent’: The Mars Cazimi in Scorpio Collection 🦂
Discover the Mars Cazimi in Scorpio collection article: what this cazimi is all about, what powers these talismanic products hold and more! ❤️🔥
💗 Venus in Libra Horoscope Through the Signs 💗
Venus in Libra is an especially auspicious transit — discover what it means for your rising sign 💖
Planetary Days & Hours in Astrology
Planetary days, nights & hours can be very useful for certain activities, and for daily astrological time-keeping: sending a message, asking for a favour, scheduling a meeting… Discover how they work & how to use them to your advantage!
Eclipse Care Guide, Part 1: Activated Themes and Events
Welcome to the first part the a post-eclipse care series, designed to help you reflect on the eclipse cycle & empower you to move forward with practical tools & knowledge.
Eclipses are extremely intense, fateful events. Their occurrence can shake you up and leave you feeling overwhelmed, sometimes extremely emotional. But the day of the eclipse isn’t the whole story, far from that! In fact, the placement of the Nodes of the Moon in your chart will determine the themes that will become most prominent in your life for the entirety of the eclipse cycle in a given sign.
What Does Void of Course (VOC) Moon Mean?
In astrology, the Void of Course Moon refers to a time when the Moon isn’t making any aspect to any planet. At this time, the Moon is like a feral, wild beast — you’re more likely to feel restless, agitated & tired. Let’s take a deep dive into the meaning of the VOC Moon!
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Through the Signs
Read your Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Horoscope for Each Rising Sign!
Astro Dating Guide: Dates For Rising Sign and 5th House
Knowing what kind of partners you attract as well as dating preferences can make a major difference in the quality of your dating experience & love life… But how?
Discover how to enjoy your romantic life & go on fun, meaningful dates based on your zodiac (rising) sign!
Venus Retrograde in Leo through the Signs
Venus goes retrograde at 28° Leo between July 23-September 4 — discover what this transit means for you for each rising sign!
Full Moon in Capricorn - July 3, 2023
This is an auspicious lunation given the rest of the month, and one you want to keep your eye on!
Venus & Mars in Cancer: Calm After the Storm
Right after the Scorpio eclipse on May 5, Venus ingressed into Cancer. What does this time of renewal and relaxation mean for us?
The Rise & Fall of Game of Thrones
Could astrology have predicted the stratospheric success and brutal fall of one of the most iconic TV shows ever aired? Let’s find out!
Eclipses in Aries & Libra: A Guide Through the Rising Signs
The eclipse cycle in Aries and Libra between 2023/2024 starts with a solar eclipse on April 20, 2023 at 29° Aries. Learn more about eclipses and what they have in store for you!
Mars in Cancer: A Guide through Each House & Rising Sign
After a 7 months-long stay in Gemini, what does Mars in Cancer mean for each rising sign as it moves through different houses? Let’s find out!
Welcome to the ‘Luxuriante’ Venus in Taurus Collection
Discover the ‘Luxuriante’ Venus in Taurus talismanic materia collection for love, friendship, attraction & profit.
Saturn in Pisces For Each House/Rising Sign
What does Saturn in Pisces mean for each rising sign as it shifts through different houses? Let’s find out!
Remediating… Saturn
In astrology, planetary remediation is the art of solving a problem through the relevant planet in the birth chart. Discover how to remediate your Saturn with astro remedies!
♒️ Aquarius Season Phone Wallpapers ♒️
Discover the 2023 Aquarius season phone wallpapers!
Mercury in Aquarius: A Question of Dignity!
Mercury enjoys special powers in the sign of Aquarius, but why is that? Discover the power of triplicity, (egyptian) terms/bounds and decans, and discover the meaning of Mercury's transit through Aquarius in 2023!
❤️ The Astrology of Valentine’s Day ❤️
Discover what the astrology of Valentine’s Day has in store for you in 2023! Read more about the historical significance of that day, why it is actually fitting for Aquarius season, and what is means for you.