Venus Bath Salts for Love, Charm & Money

welcome to this new & special article on how to make (talismanic) Venus bath salts for love, charm and money — from the comfort of your home!

More than a DIY bath salts recipe, here I will teach you how to take advantage of astrological factors to create your own talismanic bath salts for love, charm, pleasure & money!

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Better Sleep with the Moon: Planetary Remediation of Sleeping Problems

How many times have you heard that “good sleep is the key to a healthy life”? In an era where the pace of life seems to accelerate endlessly, overworking ourselves is the norm and sleeping few hours a night is celebrated as a performance, building a guilt-free relationship to our sleeping needs is hard. In this context, could the answer to our restless nights lie in the sky above us?

Exploring the possibilities offered to us by planetary remediation, this article investigates the benefits of a remedial approach & getting in touch with the Moon in our chart. Let’s dive in! 🌙

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Protect your Peace: Spiritual Cleansing & Protection in Astrology

Spiritual cleansing and protection rituals have been practiced across cultures and civilizations for millennia, serving as a means to maintain harmony, balance, and inner peace while shielding an individual and their home from unwanted energies. These practices not only clear away negative energies but also fortify our spiritual boundaries, allowing us to navigate the world with clarity and strength. Discover how to implement protective habits in your daily life!

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Eclipse Care Guide, Part 1: Activated Themes and Events

Welcome to the first part the a post-eclipse care series, designed to help you reflect on the eclipse cycle & empower you to move forward with practical tools & knowledge.

Eclipses are extremely intense, fateful events. Their occurrence can shake you up and leave you feeling overwhelmed, sometimes extremely emotional. But the day of the eclipse isn’t the whole story, far from that! In fact, the placement of the Nodes of the Moon in your chart will determine the themes that will become most prominent in your life for the entirety of the eclipse cycle in a given sign.

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